ARTICLE / Garage and Shed / 7 Minimalist and Attractive Car Garage Designs. Let's Take a Peek!!!

7 Minimalist and Attractive Car Garage Designs. Let's Take a Peek!!!


7 Minimalist and Attractive Car Garage Designs. Let's Take a Peek!!!

Nowadays, a car garage has become an integral part of a home, and there are many minimalist car garage designs available. Things to consider when building a garage for your residence include access to and from the main road, ideal location, size, and the aesthetic design of the car garage. So, for those of you seeking inspiration for a minimalist home garage design, let's take a look at seven design ideas below!

1. Minimalist Car Garage with Lightweight Steel Frame

10 Desain Kanopi Minimalis Mewah & Modern

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Garasi Mobil Minimalis Desain Kekinian yang Cocok buat kamu


The easiest way to create a car garage is by utilizing the front or side yard of your home with a canopy. A canopy consists of a frame and a roof that is often used to protect cars from rain and other weather changes. If you want your garage to look aesthetically pleasing, you can combine it with a wooden concept or paint it to match your preferences.

2. Minimalist Car Garage with a Wooden Concept

garasi rumah - garasi rumah potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti

rumah keluarga modern pinggiran kota - garasi rumah modern potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


For those who own multiple cars, there's no harm in adding a personal touch to your minimalist garage, such as constructing a black wooden frame garage.

This minimalist car garage design gives off a natural wood impression. The dominant material used for this garage is wood, including the pillars, roof, and walls.

3. Car Garage with a Natural Concept

Desain Rumah Minimalis 2 Lantai Modern Elegan Hemat Budget


If you enjoy a natural ambiance, this design is perfect for you. With this concept, you can enhance your garage by adding plenty of beautiful plants. To create the right atmosphere, you should apply this garage concept outside of your home.

4. Pergola Car Garage

Garasi mobil minimalis pergola menggunakan material dari kayu atau logam untuk membuat konstruksi pergolanya.

Source: Homify

Minimalist car garage pergolas use materials such as wood or metal to construct the pergola structure.
Source: Homify

Being outdoors, this car garage also plays a crucial role in providing an attractive facade on the exterior of your home. The pergola car garage design above consists of parallel slat formations, creating beautiful shadows when the sun shines on the pergola. You can use wood or metal materials to construct the pergola structure.

5. Semi-Basement Car Garage

11 Desain Garasi Rumah Minimalis yang Cocok Jadi Inspirasi | Mustika Land


Semi-basement car garage designs that are situated beneath the ground floor of a house are currently in trend. Typically, this type of minimalist car garage is used in buildings where the ground floor is constructed higher than the street level. By creating a semi-basement car garage, you won't need to sacrifice indoor or outdoor space specifically for parking your cars.

6. Super Minimalist Garage

desain interior dan eksterior carport putih dengan langit-langit kayu dan area berpagar kayu - garasi rumah modern potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


In limited space, you may often need to sacrifice one area to gain another. You can remove the terrace area and replace it with a car garage. This design is highly minimalist, as it only requires the addition of a roof or canopy. If you still have some extra space, you can utilize it as a small garden to make your home garage look even more appealing.

7. Modern Rotating System Garage

Garasi Mobil Minimalis Desain Kekinian yang Cocok buat kamu


This enclosed model of a car garage will surely amaze anyone who sees it, as it is very modern and sophisticated in terms of design. From a design standpoint, this enclosed car garage model may seem ordinary, as it only has a garage door with a space-saving retractable system.

Those are seven types of car garage designs that you can consider building for your home. Are you interested?

We hope this information is helpful. Stay healthy and happy. Thank you!

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