ARTICLE / Garden / 7 Vegetable Garden Inspirations for Your Home Yard – Perfect for You!

7 Vegetable Garden Inspirations for Your Home Yard – Perfect for You!


7 Inspirasi Kebun Sayur di Pekarangan Rumah dan Pastinya Cocok untuk Anda!!!

Engaging in gardening in your front or backyard can be an appealing hobby. This is especially true for those who love collecting decorative plants or are interested in cultivating vegetables and fruits. If you're a beginner in gardening, you can find comprehensive beginner tips online.

Now, here are some garden inspirations that you can apply to your backyard. Let's dive in!

1. Vegetable Garden in Hanging Pots

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plastik adalah bahan baku dari mana botol air dibuat. mereka transparan dan digantung seperti kotak, pot bunga yang diisi dengan tanah substrat. menanam stroberi adalah hobi organik menggunakan plastik - pot kotak dan pot gantung potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


The first method involves using hanging pots. As the name suggests, hanging pots are suspended, requiring minimal space. This method is suitable for those with limited yard area.

2. Hydroponic Vegetable Garden

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tanaman organik segar dalam botol gantung - kebun hidroponik botol potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


The second method involves hydroponics. This method is perfect for people with limited space. Utilizing recycled bottles and pipes as containers, you can implement this method effectively.

3. Terraced Vegetable Garden

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taman bertingkat - terasering garden potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Terracing is a familiar technique. Terraced gardening helps prevent soil erosion and is especially useful on elevated terrain. You can also apply this method to your backyard.

4. Segmented Vegetable Garden

kebun sayur di pekarangan rumah


To prevent your vegetable garden from appearing disorderly, create separate sections. Each section can contain different or similar plants. Use stones as dividers between segments and maintain proper spacing for a neat look.

5. Vegetable Garden in Large Boxes

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taman atap - pot kotak kayu potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


This method involves using large wooden boxes to plant various vegetables. Different types of plants can be grown in separate boxes. However, this method requires sufficient space to accommodate the large boxes.

6. Mixed Planting in One Area

kebun sayur di pekarangan rumah


If you're hesitant to use dividers, mix different plants in a single area. Although the plants are together, ensure they are well-organized and not cluttered.

7. Combination of Hanging Pots and Segmented Areas

rumah kaca dengan bunga petunia dalam pot gantung dan sayuran dalam kotak kayu. - pot kotak dan pot gantung potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Combine the hanging pot method with segmented areas. Create a wooden block to separate the vegetable garden and hang pots on fences or outer walls. With proper arrangement, your home yard vegetable garden will look beautiful.

These are the discussed garden inspirations for your yard. May they be useful to you.

Stay healthy and happy. Thank you!

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