ARTICLE / Home Decor / For Those Who Have Just Gotten Married, Consider These Before Buying a House!

For Those Who Have Just Gotten Married, Consider These Before Buying a House!


Marriage is undoubtedly one of the happiest moments in life. With your partner, you're about to start a new chapter together. However, behind this joyous occasion, there are many steps to take before beginning your new life, especially in terms of finding a comfortable home. Having your own home isn't something that happens overnight; it requires careful consideration and budgeting. Here are some things young couples should think about when buying a house for their new life together.

  1. Consider Your Current Financial Situation

rumah simple via homedit

Before buying or desiring anything, everyone needs to assess their financial situation. By understanding your overall needs, you can determine your joint living expenses. Once you know how much you spend on daily needs, you can estimate your savings for buying a house.

  1. Create a Realistic Plan

rumah gaya modern via archdaily

Choose various plans for owning a home. Consider whether your budget is sufficient for designing or just purchasing a house. Understand the realistic financial situation as individuals and as a couple. Decide whether you'll buy the house outright or through a mortgage, based on your capabilities.

  1. Prioritize

rumah bermaterialkan alam via joshuabusch

Realize the importance of prioritizing when choosing a home. Whether it's size, location, design, or other reasons, decide what matters most when selecting a home. Determine the top priorities in your home selection, making your search easier.

  1. Consult with Professionals

gaya modern via contemporist

If you and your spouse are unsure about determining the price or design of a house, don't hesitate to seek advice from experts. Whether it's the bank for mortgage-related matters, architects, or other professionals, their input can make it easier for you to make a decision.

  1. Choose a Trustworthy Housing Developer

perumahan via

This can be considered quite important. Buying a house from a developer with a good reputation means the information about the house is more reliable. This ensures the quality and safety of the house. Some housing areas may not be well-built due to developers with unclear reputations.

  1. Residential Environment

lingkungan tempat tinggal via housingwire

The living environment is a consideration for newlyweds. Is the neighborhood secluded or easily accessible with public facilities? Consider the distance to your future children's school, infrastructure, and traffic conditions. These considerations will affect your future life and your family.

  1. Prepare Cash for Home Document Fees

interior rumah sederhana via slmdesigninteriors

Buying a house or land involves various agreement documents. This naturally incurs its own expenses, whether for notaries or specific taxes. Initial payments or down payments also require clear written agreements.

  1. Think About Your 5-Year Plan Before Buying a House

rumah mewah via homesthetics

A house is indeed a necessity for a family, but you need to consider what you'll be doing in the next five years. Are there plans to move to another city or country, or will you stay in the home you've purchased? Usually, if you plan to move, you will need to sell the house, unless you consider it an investment due to its strategic location.

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