ARTIKEL / Bedroom / An all-white bedroom, charming, simple, and elegant.
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An all-white bedroom, charming, simple, and elegant.


White is a color that is widely favored despite the high risk of getting dirty. Nevertheless, white gives a simple, clean, and spacious impression to a room. Some people prefer an all-white or predominantly white color scheme, combined with all-white furniture. Is it attractive or boring? Let's take a look.

"Luxurious Getaway"

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This theme seems to find a shortcut to revamp the previous room theme to achieve a luxurious feel with an all-white element in it. Starting with white walls and ceilings, a white bed and bedcover automatically transform the room's atmosphere drastically. For those who don't like too much monotony and dominance of white, you can also try black furniture with chrome or aluminum accents.


" Yellow, Gold, and White"

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Are you one of those people who like to combine a workspace and a bedroom? If so, the design reference above might help reduce the cluttered and messy look in the bedroom due to stacks of work documents, and it discourages placing items carelessly. The combination of white walls, ceilings, and a matching wooden bed creates the desired sense of spaciousness and cleanliness. Dark parquet flooring adds contrast to the walls. The finishing touch is the yellow accents on some pieces of furniture, not too many but enough to be a point of interest for the occupant.


" All White"

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Do you truly adore the color white? Perhaps the design example above is the right reference. Starting from the flooring material and color to the ceiling, everything is white, combined with furniture in the same tone and material. Since interior design is highly personal, those who are eager for an all-white theme must be conscious of maintaining the cleanliness of the space. In essence, being prepared for the consequences of having an all-white themed room.


" Rustic bedroom set"

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The previous all-white themes have their admirers, just like the example above where white is only a 'complement.' Rustic-themed interiors like the one above do not allow white to dominate. The rustic theme is closely related to classic design and a vintage atmosphere. Besides the classic furniture with distinctive period-era details, the color and wood patterns also support the desired classic atmosphere for the occupants. Interested in trying this? Just be sure to have some extra budget.


"Wooden Bedframe"

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The final reference is for prospective homeowners who love a bedroom design reminiscent of a beachside villa interior. It still maintains the predominantly white color combined with wooden material and a glossy finish. Additionally, there is a bed cover if needed to prevent mosquitoes or just to indulge in nostalgia with the vintage bed style. Two nightstands and bedside lamps are also essential elements in setting the desired mood in the room.


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