ARTICLE / Storage and Closet / Outdoor Kitchen Design Ideas

Outdoor Kitchen Design Ideas


With limited space in your home, it's not a bad idea to choose an outdoor kitchen concept. Besides saving the existing space, you can make your kitchen as attractive as possible, perhaps even inviting guests to enjoy it.

Shiplap Designer

A designer named Shiplap designed an outdoor kitchen with a beachy vibe. They added a hanging straw lantern to enhance the beachy feel, while the choice of black high chairs and a wooden dining table adds beauty to the kitchen's design.


Black Color Concept

Choosing black for an outdoor kitchen provides a modern and chic impression. Adorned with greenery and straw-made lights, this kitchen design looks elegant without being too formal.



If you want a unique cooking sensation, you can turn your rooftop into an attractive kitchen with beautiful views. This may also boost your enthusiasm for cooking special dishes for your family.


Beautiful Sink

One often overlooked aspect when designing a kitchen is the sink, which can be an attractive element. In this case, you can place flowers as decorations on the outdoor kitchen sink. It can also serve as an ice station during your gatherings.

Roof/Window Design

This outdoor roof design is made from old pine needles, which serve to protect you from the sun when cooking during the day. Additionally, it adds a unique and natural feel to your kitchen. This design is especially suitable for coastal or rural homes.Desain atap luar ruangan ini terbuat dari daun-daun cemara tua yang berfungsi melindungi dari panas matahari jika Anda memasak pada siang hari, selain itu juga dapat menambah kesan unik dan alami pada dapur Anda. Desain ini sangat cocok diterapkan pada rumah-rumah pinggir pantai atau daerah pertanian.



For an outdoor kitchen, you may need some shading effects, such as adding a touch of blue to your cabinets. By utilizing long and multifunctional cabinet designs, you can store your food supplies and use the cabinet as a unique dining table.


Strategic Arrangement

You might think of your outdoor kitchen as merely an addition, but in reality, you can make it comprehensive. You can add grills, refrigerators, sinks, and ovens. This U-shaped arrangement allows you to move quickly to prepare your food.


Cooling Device

An interesting idea to consider is transforming a sink into a place to cool your drinks by covering the top with teak wood to resemble a cabinet. This way, you no longer need a refrigerator in your outdoor kitchen.


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