ARTIKEL / Interior / Practical Minimalist Home Office Space, Let's Explore the Inspiration!
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Practical Minimalist Home Office Space, Let's Explore the Inspiration!


In recent years, freelance work has been on the rise. Working from home indeed offers its own flexibility. You can manage your own time, there's no boss supervising you all the time, and for those who have children, you can watch over them while working.

Having a dedicated workspace might be a dream for freelancers too. It doesn't necessarily have to be a separate room; your home office or workspace can be created with just a desk and a chair. Even a space as small as 1.5m x 1m can be transformed into an office!

Curious? You can take inspiration from interesting home office ideas and workspace designs below to create your own office space.

When it comes to color palettes for a minimalist workspace design, avoid using excessive colors. Use only a few colors that have harmonious tones and do not contrast too much with each other.

Simplicity in choosing the color scheme for this minimalist workspace design should also be applied to patterns. Avoid excessive and contrasting patterns, especially if they clash.

2. The "Less is More" Workspace Concept

The minimalist workspace design, like other minimalist designs, adheres to the "less is more" interior concept. Essentially, a design that is not excessive in terms of shape, color, and composition will result in a minimalist workspace design that is much more optimal both visually and in terms of functionality for working. Only essential furniture is brought in, such as a desk, chair, and bookshelf.

3. Workspace with Neutral Furniture Accents

If you feel that various concepts and inspirational ideas for minimalist workspace designs give a rigid and cold impression to your workspace at home, compensate by using materials that can create a warmer atmosphere.

One such example is wood. By incorporating a few wood accents into the workspace, you can dispel the cold and rigid impressions, making the workspace more welcoming and warm.

4. Minimalist Workspace for Small Spaces

There are no space limitations when designing a minimalist workspace. If you have limited space, utilize the remaining spaces to create a simple and functional minimalist workspace.

Surprisingly, spaces such as under the bed, under the stairs, and the backyard can be turned into a comfortable and functional workspace.

5. Elegant and Modern Touches

Even though you want to evoke a minimalist impression, don't hesitate to explore and implement design concepts from other styles in your minimalist workspace design.

6. All-White Theme for the Workspace

As mentioned earlier, if you're having trouble designing a minimalist workspace concept, using an "all-white" concept is a safe way to create a simple minimalist-style workspace. Combined with good lighting, the workspace will feel more spacious, and the brightness will enhance focus while working.

Feeling more confident about creating a minimalist workspace design to complete the composition and function of your dream home? Let's try various minimalist workspace concepts and make the most of the space to accommodate your work activities at home.

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