ARTICLE / Building / S+H House: A Cube Exterior Home that Creates a Floating Impression

S+H House: A Cube Exterior Home that Creates a Floating Impression


This house, located in Kelapa Gading, covers an area of 312 square meters. The project, completed in 2014, was the client's second home. Designed by Studiokas, this house features a different concept and design compared to their first home.

Bagian depan rumah

The house is situated in a rectangular residential area measuring 12x26 meters. The front of the house, facing west, overlooks a residential garden.

kolam dan ruang makan

This four-story house houses various spaces used as a gallery to showcase the owner's art collection. Originally estimated to cover 655 square meters, it was redesigned to have a more modest 312 square meters while maintaining its uniqueness and comfort.

Denah rumah empat lantai

One of the key concepts applied in this design is the vertical arrangement of spaces and rooms within the house. It's not just a four-story house; each level provides good circulation and continuity between spaces before and after. The house maintains special elements that set it apart, such as the relationship between walls and open spaces, as well as outdoor and indoor space divisions.

Potongan memanjang rumah hunian

The variations in floor levels create different ceiling heights on each floor. These height differences serve as conduits for natural light and airflow to circulate in and out of the house.

Tangga masuk rumah

Visitors enter through an external staircase to the main entrance and front terrace. This terrace is sheltered by an overhanging structure and a children's room above, protecting it from sunlight and rain. The front door is a solid wooden door that opens into the lobby area, which is connected to the living room. A wooden panel with a Chinese motif separates the lobby area from the living room.

ruang keluarga

Various functions, including the family room, living room, dining room, and guest bedroom, are located on the second floor. The floor below is primarily used for service areas, including a vehicle garage, a maid's bedroom, and a kitchen. The kitchen on the lower level is connected to the dining area above by a special staircase.

Ruang makan

The dining area is designed to be open and transparent, offering views into several other rooms. This room has a distinctive design and structure, creating a floating effect between the upper and lower floors. The dining area's floor is designed with the illusion of floating between the swimming pool and the space below, which serves as a source of natural light and air to the lower service area.

Partisi kaca dan partisi panel kayu bermotif

Glass partitions and wooden panels with motifs are used as dividers. Above the dining area is the main bedroom of the house, which shields the dining room from sunlight and rain on three sides. The glass-covered walls provide a unique and attractive view into other parts of the house.
Sedangkan ruang diatas ruang makan adalah kamar tidur utama pemilik rumah. Ruang tidur inilah yang melindungi ruang makan dari cahaya matahari dan hujan di ketiga sisi ruangan. Pelapis kaca sebagai dinding ruangan tentu menjadikan ruang makan terasa unik dan menarik dengan pemandangan ke ruangan lainnya.

Kamar tidur anak

In addition to the main bedroom, the third floor houses two children's bedrooms at the front of the house, which appear as floating boxes on the exterior. This floor is a private area for the homeowners. The main bedroom includes a sitting area and a balcony that overlooks the outside area.

void rumah

The circulation from the ground floor to the top is connected by a long and straight staircase. On the top floor, right above the main bedroom, there is a gallery hall where the homeowner displays their art. The size of this room is 6 x 10 meters. This space also provides dramatic openings, effective lighting, and a serene atmosphere. The gallery has a door leading to an outdoor corridor that connects it to the open rooftop area.

koridor dalam rumah

This house with its various transparent areas allows for easy entry and exit of light and air, creating a fresh and bright atmosphere. Cross-ventilation is achieved through sliding doors that can be easily opened and closed. Although the house has air conditioning, the excellent ventilation within the house reduces the need for it on the main floor.

maket eksterior rumah

The dynamic shape of the house with voids and open spaces helps maintain stable indoor temperatures by blocking direct sunlight. The walls of the house are designed with porous GRC concrete, allowing the house to breathe and preventing hot air from entering. Conversely, cool air can flow freely, providing comfort to the residents inside.

source: S+H House

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