ARTIKEL / Bedroom / What to Do to Keep Your Dorm Room Clean Every Day
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What to Do to Keep Your Dorm Room Clean Every Day


Cleanliness is always the top priority wherever we are. However, the most important is the cleanliness in our immediate surroundings. If we can maintain cleanliness around us, it will surely make us and those around us feel comfortable.

Now, for those of you who live alone or are living away from home and choose to stay in a boarding house, it's a good idea to clean your room regularly.

Here's what you can do to keep your dorm room clean every day. Let's read the article!



1. Dispose of Trash Regularly

Dispose of the trash in your room regularly to prevent unpleasant odors and to avoid attracting unwanted pests like ants, cockroaches, and flies. If you have organic waste such as vegetable and fruit scraps, it's best not to leave them for too long. Because if left for too long and they rot, it will produce maggots.

Create a schedule to dispose of trash regularly. For example, dispose of trash 3 or 4 times a day.


2. Make the Bed Every Morning

The bed is the most important area in a dorm room. If you don't make your bed, the dorm room will look very messy.

Make it a habit to tidy up your bed after waking up. Occasionally, use a broom to clean the dirt on your bed.

Regularly change your bedsheet, pillowcase, and pillow at least every 2 weeks to prevent too much dirt and bacteria from accumulating.


3. Wash Dishes After Eating

If you often cook in your dorm, there will definitely be many dirty dishes or utensils. Get into the habit of washing them after use. Because if you let them pile up for too long, mold and unpleasant odors will come your way. And of course, the unpleasant odor will attract cockroaches. You certainly wouldn't want that, would you?


4. Hang Clothes After Use

Who here, after changing clothes, doesn't fold or hang them but instead throws them anywhere like on the bed? If you do that, you're just making your dorm room even dirtier.

Let's get into the habit of hanging or folding your clothes after use. Also, put them in a designated laundry bin if it's time to wash them.


5. Perform Deep Cleaning Every Week

Perform deep cleaning at least once a week to prevent your dorm room from getting dirty, dusty, and smelly. You can start by sweeping the entire room, then mop the floors and wipe all surfaces. If you do your laundry, you can include it in the deep cleaning routine. If you have a private bathroom, clean it once a week to avoid excessive grime and mold in the bathroom tiles.


6. Sweep the Room Regularly

Try to sweep your dorm room every day, or at least every 2 days, to prevent too much dust from accumulating on the floor. Because if not swept regularly, the dust on the floor will definitely make your feet dirty, especially if you don't wash your feet before getting into bed.

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