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7 Popular and Favorite House Architecture Models!


Here are some popular and timeless home designs that you can also use as references.

9 Gaya Arsitektur Rumah di Indonesia, Mana Pilihanmu?

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There are many architectural terms for home designs, such as minimalist, modern, Scandinavian, industrial, modern tropical, and many more. These terms are often read or heard in the mass media to refer to a building that is considered to apply contemporary architectural or interior styles or trends. The goal is to achieve a new, modern, and up-to-date look for the house or building with a sense of style.


1. Minimalist Home Architecture

15 Model Rumah Minimalis Modern 2023, Unik dan Nyamansource :

inimalist architecture is one of the most popular architectural designs in Indonesia and has been rapidly developing since the 2000s. This design concept actually originates from the Zen concept in Japan, which is closely associated with simplicity to achieve perfection.

Similar to minimalist homes that prioritize functionality and keep the visual appearance of the building simple without additional designs, minimalist home architecture can be identified by the simplicity of the building's appearance and generally does not require a very large budget to build.


2. Modern Home

Mengenal Rumah Modern, dari Konsep hingga Inspirasinyasource :

Modern home design is often compared to minimalist homes. While this is true to some extent, there are distinct differences that separate the two designs.

Modern homes typically have triangular roofs, while minimalist homes are known for flat roofs.

Modern homes have good natural lighting with large windows. For modern homes, it's important to have adequate windows or openings in your house to ensure proper air circulation. Consider the direction of the prevailing winds in your area, and avoid placing windows on west-facing walls to prevent the house from getting too hot.


3. Modern Minimalist Home

15 Model Rumah Minimalis Modern 2023, Unik dan Nyamansource :

In the early 2010s, minimalist home architecture underwent some changes, becoming modern minimalist design. The appearance of homes that initially emphasized Zen values has evolved to appear more modern.

Homes have been adjusted to have high functionality without sacrificing any of the essential elements of a home. This allows even small plots of land to be maximized efficiently, while reducing construction costs.


4. Classic Home

9 Inspirasi Desain Rumah Klasik Modernsource :

The definition of classic style is inseparable from the eras and artistic movements of Europe. These factors laid the foundation for the form of buildings and interiors during those times. Ancient Greece and Rome left behind tall, pillar-supported structures.


5. Scandinavian Home

10 Inspirasi Fasad Rumah Scandinavian 1 Lantai yang Kece Badaisource :

This model is one of the most popular and well-liked home designs. Scandinavian design always emphasizes clean lines and perfect continuity. These homes often use white, gray, and blue colors, which are characteristic of the style, creating a soft and warm interior ambiance with bright accents.


6. Italian Classic Home

Kenali 6 Ciri Khas Desain Rumah Klasik yang Tetap Mewahsource :

The exterior of Italian classic buildings appears simpler compared to French classic style. The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican and the Palazzo Farnese in Rome are examples of classic Italian architecture. Inside, almost all walls are covered with frescoes.


7. American Classic Home

5 Ciri Khas Desain Interior Bergaya American Classic | Alindra Interiorsource :

American classic home architecture is characterized by the use of wood as its primary material. Wood is often used for the exterior walls, giving the house a luxurious appearance. American-style houses usually have simple details and prioritize an elegant and luxurious appearance.

Hope this is helpful!

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