ARTICLE / Tips and Trick / Afraid of Your House Being Infested by Termites? Follow These 8 Tips to Keep Your Beloved Home Termite-Free!

Afraid of Your House Being Infested by Termites? Follow These 8 Tips to Keep Your Beloved Home Termite-Free!


Wooden houses are natural and unique. However, they can also be quite challenging to maintain. Furniture inside wooden houses often includes wooden elements, such as tables and sofas, which are susceptible to termite attacks. Termites can damage the structure and aesthetics of your home. Therefore, there are several things you can do to prevent termite infestations:.

1. Keep Your House Dry

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Termites are attracted to moisture, so it's crucial to keep your house dry, especially in areas with wooden structures. Wipe off any spilled liquids on wooden furniture, and ensure that wooden parts of your house stay dry after rain.

2. Regularly Clean Gutters and Drains

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Cleaning gutters and drains is essential because they can accumulate water and debris, creating an ideal environment for termites. By keeping these areas clean, you reduce the risk of termite infestations.

3. Choose High-Quality Wood

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When building or buying wooden furniture, choose high-quality wood. While it may be more expensive, quality wood is less prone to termite attacks. Popular choices include teak and mahogany.

4. Pay Attention to Your Kitchen

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The kitchen is the part of the house most susceptible to termite infestations due to various factors. Paying attention to this area is crucial. Start by ensuring that doors and windows are always tightly closed during the rainy season, and maintain a clean house to prevent dirt and trash from spreading inside the room.

Also, pay attention to the sink where you wash kitchen utensils. Tighten the faucet securely to prevent water from dripping in the kitchen area. If there is a pipe leak, fix it promptly to prevent termites from appearing due to increased humidity in the area.

5. Avoid Building on Former Gardens or Forested Land

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Land areas that were formerly gardens or forests are often inhabited by subterranean termites. These termites are particularly fond of soil-rich areas as they contain a food source from past agricultural activities. If you are building a house on such land, it will make your house susceptible to subterranean termite attacks. However, if it turns out that this land is the only place you can build, you should spray anti-termite liquid over the entire surface of the soil, including during the foundation construction.

6. Opt for Large Windows and Maximize Natural Lighting

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Termites prefer dark and damp environments. Installing large windows and maximizing natural lighting in your home helps create a less appealing environment for termites. It also helps maintain a dry atmosphere inside.

7. Care for and Clean Your Attic

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If you have a storage area in your house, you should pay close attention to this space. The storage area is where various items that are rarely used or no longer needed are stored and, as a result, it is seldom visited. This space could potentially be the nesting place for termites, especially if there are wooden materials stored in the storage area. Maintain the storage area at least once a week to ensure that termites do not infest it. Open the ventilation or doors when you are in this room to allow light and air to enter.

8. Keep Furniture Away From Walls

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Avoid placing furniture directly against the walls. Leave some space between furniture and walls, as termites can easily access furniture through wall contact.

By following these precautions and maintaining a clean and dry environment, you can reduce the risk of termite infestations and protect your wooden home and furniture.

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