ARTICLE / Garden / This popular plant will beautify your home! Perfect for Christmas decoration!

This popular plant will beautify your home! Perfect for Christmas decoration!


Many may not know that this type of plant exists. This plant is commonly found in Africa, America, and Europe, but has recently become popular in Indonesia. You don't need extra space to care for this plant. Its beautiful color and unique shape make it a suitable decoration for your room. So, what plant is this?

The name of this plant is Succulent.

The term "succulent" comes from the English word "Succulent." The term "succulent" is derived from the Latin word "sucus," which means juice or sap. Succulent is the term given to a group of plants where one or more parts of their bodies are thicker and fatter, capable of storing water and able to grow even with limited water sources.

It's not wrong to think that succulents also share these characteristics with cacti. Therefore, all types of cacti are included in the succulent category, but not all succulents are cacti. Succulent plants consist of about 60 families and 300 genera. Their shapes vary, including tree-like, stacked, small and round, and flowering.

What you need to pay attention to is that not all types of succulents can survive indoors. Succulents that are more suitable for indoor living are usually darker and greener in color. Brightly colored succulents thrive better outdoors. It's also important to know how to choose the planting medium, watering, and care for succulents indoors. You can read about it here.

Now, after knowing the important things about succulent cultivation, it's time for you to start decorating your succulents to make them more attractive. As explained above, some types of succulents may not adapt well indoors because they require hot air. So, you can adjust your design to the location you want, which is indoors. Let's discuss the following ideas!

Picture Frame


A plain wooden picture frame looks boring, doesn't it? It's better to decorate it with succulent plants. Prepare the succulent planting medium, Diatomite Substrate, and attach it to the frame's sides. Then choose succulents in flower shapes and plant them in the planting medium. Arrange them with succulents in cactus leaf shapes.

Christmas Tree


This decoration is suitable for celebrating the upcoming Christmas. Prepare a pyramid-shaped iron frame with compartments inside. Then prepare the planting medium, a mixture of soil and Diatomite Substrate, and attach it to the iron frame. Choose and plant succulents in leaf and flower shapes. Finally, add a star decoration at the top and glitter balls around it. Your Christmas tree is ready!

Bowl Pot


If you want to plant succulents but don't have a pot, you can use other containers. For example, use a bowl. Choose a good-quality bowl with a nice design and color for decoration. Then fill the bowl with succulent planting medium and plant the succulents you desire. You can arrange several succulents in one bowl, as long as the succulents are suitable for indoor living.


Cleaned eggshells can also be used as a succulent planting container! Simply crack the top of the egg, then remove the contents into another container. Afterward, wash the eggshell thoroughly. Fill it with an appropriate amount of planting medium, then plant the succulents on top. Choose succulents that are relatively small and don't exceed the size of the eggshell.

Crystal Pot


This design is quite unique, using crystal stones as the succulent planting container. First, drill holes in the crystal stone and create a sufficient depression to hold the planting medium. Then, fill the depression with the succulent planting medium. Finally, choose the succulents you want to plant, either in flower or leaf shapes. It looks beautiful!

Tiered Pot


If regular clay pots usually look like buckets with hollows, this clay pot design is different. It's tiered and comes in various sizes, resembling cut sections at each level. This type of clay pot is widely available in the market; you can buy it at a plant store. In each level of the pot, you can provide succulent planting medium. Then arrange and plant the succulents you desire. You can also combine them with stones, grass, and miniature houses to beautify your design!

Hanging Pot

The shape of this succulent is like a cluster of small balls. If you care for them for a while, this type of succulent will continue to lengthen like a climbing plant. Therefore, this ball-shaped succulent is suitable to be designed as a hanging plant. Simply prepare a not-too-large pot and make holes on both sides of the pot so you can attach strong chains or strings to support the hanging pot. Before hanging the pot from the ceiling, don't forget to put the succulent planting medium and plant the succulents. Your hanging plants are ready!


Terrarium decoration is currently gaining popularity. A terrarium is a container made of glass or transparent plastic that contains plants. If you want to plant succulents in a terrarium but don't have a large enough transparent container, you can use a small one. For example, like the design above, a transparent container shaped like half a ball. You can fill it with succulent planting medium and then plant the succulents. Adjust the number of succulents according to the size of the container. To make it even more beautiful, you can cover the planting medium with colorful stones or crystals.

Door Decoration


As Christmas approaches, there's another decoration associated with Christmas that you can make using succulents. Yes, this circular door decoration is commonly known as a Door Wreath. The process is almost the same as making a succulent Christmas tree as mentioned above, except that the frame is circular. Attach the planting medium to the circular iron frame, then plant the succulents. You can arrange more than one succulent to make your decoration more attractive.+

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