ARTIKEL / Home Decor / For the Sake of Their Cats, a Taipei Resident Renovated Their Apartment to Look Like This...
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For the Sake of Their Cats, a Taipei Resident Renovated Their Apartment to Look Like This...


Owning pets certainly involves various considerations. A residential home should not only be comfortable for the homeowners but also for the pets. One sign of a good pet owner is when they understand the behavior of their pets, as exemplified by the owner of an apartment in Taipei. With two cats in residence, they renovated their apartment to create a flexible space suitable for both themselves and their two feline companions.

Located in the heart of Taipei, Loft Apartment H is in a relatively premium area. Designed by ST Studio, the apartment's interior is an open and spacious place. The design team focused on transforming the small apartment into a versatile space adaptable to various situations and purposes.

This 45-square-meter studio apartment was designed to suit the needs of the two cat owners. The design team incorporated appropriate lighting, greenery, and long shelves at varying heights for the cats to play on.


The first step taken by ST Studio was to remove interior walls, such as those separating the kitchen, living area, bedroom, and storage spaces. There was a reason for this—to create an open and spacious area. The partition walls were replaced with lower partitions. This created an effect resembling a loft space.

Reducing the height of the dividing walls not only exposed certain areas and provided a degree of privacy but also allowed ample natural light into the apartment. A TV cabinet was installed and acted as a dividing partition between the living area and the bedroom.

At the request of the homeowners, the designers were tasked with creating an integrated space for storing books, collections, and character figurines all in one place. Consequently, shelves were designed and placed on the wall area. What makes it unique is that it not only serves as shelving but also as a playground for the cats. With various heights, the cats can jump between the shelf ledges and even lounge on top of them.

ST Studio's design concept for this apartment differs from many others. Most small apartments are filled with storage solutions like smart furniture. However, ST Studio minimized the use of cabinets to create an open and flexible space.

The use of natural oak parquet flooring adds a warm ambiance to the home, blending harmoniously with the white walls. The interior decoration of the apartment reflects the homeowner's industrial-style aesthetic preferences. The living area is adorned with pendant lights.

As for the all-white bathroom area, it features dual sinks in anticipation of the homeowners' future needs. This elegant and beautiful bathroom design is adorned with white ceramic tiles, including hexagonal tiles on the floor.

sumber: Renovasi Apartemen di Taipei

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