10 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Mice in Lansing, Michigan

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Homeowners who have had to deal with pest problems in the past know how bad rat and mouse problems can get. Not only are they destructive, but they are also scary and expose homeowners to health problems. Dealing with mice problems in your home alone can be overwhelming, which is why we recommend Pest Control Services in Lansing Michigan.
However, you may wish to DIY the pest control, especially if it’s a single mouse or rat. We have collated 10 easy steps for Mice and Rats Control in Michigan. Follow the recommendations below to keep your home safe and free from rodents.
Why are Mice in My Home?
Wondering why you’re recurrently battling a rat or mouse infestation? The answer is simple. Your home has at least two of the three most important things the rodents need.
- Your home provides shelter with a favorable temperature.
- Your home also has food, a primary requirement for survival and multiplication.
- The chances are also high that your home has some dark spots and nesting materials that can be used to raise a family of rats or mice.
These three important factors are why rats and mice continuously struggle to enter your property. When not detected early enough, they can begin to reproduce, thus increasing the chances of damage and infestations.
How to Detect a Mouse Infestation?
There’s nothing as great as having a pest-free home. But when compromised, it’s only a matter of time before the problem grows into an infestation. Below are some of the signs of a mouse infestation.
- Damages to shelves, food packaging, and scratches or chews around your floor trim and baseboards.
- Food debris or crumbs in your pantry, shelves, and unusual places like in corners, under the sinks, corridors, and others.
- Mouse droppings, usually black, oblong, and pellet sized. These droppings may be found in corners, along the wall, and in dark places.
- Nest materials made from shredded paper, fabrics, pet hair, grass materials, or other soft materials.
- Chewing, scratching, and squeaking noises at night
- Unusual pet behavior or random pet alertness in response to pest movements.
10 Ways to Get Rid of Mice at Home
source : unsplash.com
Getting rid of the pest problem is the best way to restore sanity to your home. Here are some methods to consider.
Remove All Food Sources
A natural way to reduce mice infestation is to deprive them of the key elements they enjoy in your home. Start by clearing all food items from open spaces. Also ensure that all food items are properly packed and stored appropriately. This can force them out in search of food.
Remove All Nesting Materials
Finding and removing nesting materials is also a great way to make your indoor space uncomfortable for pests. Look for the nesting materials in corners and dark places like attics, basements, and vents.
Seal All Entry Points
A good way to prevent further an increase in pest population is to locate and seal all entry points. Doing this can help to effectively control the pest population within your home.
Use Natural Mouse Repellent
Natural mouse repellents are one of the humane ways to address rodent infestation. Some of the common repellents to use include;
- Apple cider and water mix. This mixture can be sprayed in corners and common entry points around your home. You can also spray this around your home.
- Hot pepper solution. You can purchase hot pepper from local stores, soak it in water, and spray it around your home and common entryways.
- Fabric softener sheets. These can be stuffed into identified entry points.
Get a Cat
Are you a cat lover? This is one more reason to get one. Cats and rats or mice are sworn enemies. Getting a cat can help to naturally eradicate the problem.
Use Live Traps
Live traps are available at local convenience stores. They should be placed around common entryways or in corners. Be sure to check on the trap frequently.
Deploy Essential Oils
Essential oils can also be a great weapon in your pest-prevention arsenal. We recommend choosing essential oils like clove oils or peppermint with a strong smell. You can soak cotton balls in essential oils and place them in corners around your home.
Mouse Trapping
source : patriotpestcontrol.co
You can also use mouse traps to catch the pests and release them back into the wild. This is one of the most effective ways to deal with an infestation.
Baiting involves using poisoned food items the pests like. You can purchase bait stations at local convenience stores for ease.
Hire a Pest Control Company
source : patriotpestcontrol.co
You can also outsource the stress and hassles to professionals by hiring a pest control company. These experts can identify the extent of the problem as well as the best way to get rid of the pests.
Try one or more of the above solutions to restore sanity to your space and get rid of mice problems.