ARTIKEL / Interior / 5 Tips for Organizing a Home with a Low Budget
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5 Tips for Organizing a Home with a Low Budget


You don't have to buy expensive items, it turns out that there are ways that you can apply to organize your home without an excessive budget. Not only big houses, but even small ones can be arranged in such a way as to meet the needs of the space for activities and rest for its inhabitants. Here's how to decorate and organize a room at home without a suffocating budget.

Timeless Furniture

Image credit: Diana Paulson


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The unavoidable part is choosing furniture. It may be good to choose according to your preferred style. But it's even better if you can save more money by choosing timeless furniture. Not only for now, you can save money for the future too.

Utilize Existing Furniture

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It is better to repair the furniture that is already slightly damaged. For a broken sofa, replace the seat. If the wooden table is peeling, try to find a special paint for wood. This can reduce excess costs when decorating your home.

Choose a More Minimalist Design

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Minimalist design requires a simple and easy-to-implement space decoration. This design tends to use fewer ornaments so that it can save more money. Minimalist design makes the space look neat, modern and urban.

Don't be afraid to play with colors

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This one tip is quite important, considering you are using old furniture or reuse furniture in your home.

Used Items Feel New

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Try hunting for items that are sold in second-hand stores. These items are characterized as antique, ancient and old school. The vintage theme is suitable for any room, moreover this one theme can also be applied with several other styles such as Scandanavian, to industrial space.

So how about the explanation of arranging a house with a minimal budget above, do you already have an idea of how to decorate your own home? Stay tuned for our other articles... see you next article

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