ARTIKEL / Garden / 7 plants that are suitable for beautifying the garden and making it more beautiful
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7 plants that are suitable for beautifying the garden and making it more beautiful


7 plants that are suitable for beautifying the garden and making it more beautiful

There are many types of outdoor ornamental plants to choose from to decorate your yard. Choose the ones that are uniquely shaped and attractively colored like the following plants. Check them out!

Having a garden or yard will certainly be more fun if you plant it with various types of beautiful outdoor ornamental plants. Multicolored flowers and green leaves can make tired eyes refreshed.

Here are 7 choices of outdoor ornamental plants to beautify your yard.

1. Aglaonema

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Aglaonema is a plant that is often referred to as Sri Rejeki. Aglaonema is now popular among ornamental plant collectors because it is very easy to care for as it does not wilt easily even if you rarely water it and do not get much sunlight.

2. Uniquely Shaped Deer Antler Spikes Outdoor Houseplants

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Plants that look like deer antlers are called Staghorn Ferns. This unique ornamental plant dangles and branches like deer horns. This plant is a type of epiphytic plant that grows by attaching to other tree trunks.

3. Cactus

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Who doesn't know this plant? Yep, cactus.

This plant, known as a desert plant, is suitable for planting in tropical Indonesia. In addition, in terms of maintenance, cacti are fairly uncomplicated and easy to care for.

4. Caladium

fokus selektif daun caladium bicolor atau keladi merah. - keladi potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti

kuncup bunga keladi tengkorak atau alocasia silver dragon pada siang hari terang di taman alami. umumnya dikenal sebagai alocasia baginda. alocasia skala naga adalah tanaman yang tampak mistis. - keladi potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Known as Keladi, Caladium is a beautiful ornamental plant with leaves that have a unique pattern. Caladium also has a variety of colors and patterns. The more vivid the pattern, the more expensive the price.

5. Japanese ferns

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jepang dicat - pakis jepang potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Unlike other ferns, Japanese ferns have beautiful silvery purple leaves. Japanese fern is a small plant, but if planted in large quantities, its unique color can beautify your garden.

6. Spruce Tree

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pohon cemara hijau tumbuh di halaman hijau di depan dinding batu hias. - pohon cemara halaman rumah potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Fir trees are also very suitable for outdoor ornamental plants. They're evergreen all year round and can grow to be hundreds of years old. This plant, which has become an icon of Christmas around the world, has many types that can be chosen to decorate the garden.

7. Shoe Flower

bunga kembang sepatu merah segar di cabang. hibiscus rosa-sinensis - bunga sepatu potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti

bunga kembang sepatu merah muda - bunga sepatu potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


This tropical flower can be used as an ornamental plant to beautify your yard. In Java, the flower that became the symbol of Malaysia is called kembang worawari. Hibiscus leaves and flowers are often used as tea or herbal medicine.

So there you have it, 7 useful outdoor ornamental plants to beautify your yard. Hope you find them useful.

Keep healthy and happy. Thanks you



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