Hello, peps!
Home is a place of return for everyone after finishing various activities outside such as school and work. As a place to unwind and relax, a home must be comfortable and soothing. Therefore, in order to achieve peace and comfort while at home, many people are willing to spend a considerable budget to renovate their homes and everything in them.
However, as time goes by, renovating a home and everything in it with a huge budget is no longer a trend. Currently, there is a wealth of information related to stylish and aesthetic home renovations that come with an economic budget, costing only hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiahs.
One form of home renovation with an economic budget can be applied to houses that do not have a small garden or green space. Yes, as the name suggests, this small and green garden will undoubtedly be filled with various types of ornamental plants and flowers to give a fresh and bright impression to the appearance of the house.
Returning to the super economic budget, certainly renovating and adding a garden to this house cannot be done haphazardly. Instead, there are several steps and materials or items to consider, such as:
- Using used items such as used buckets or used bottles as plant pots
- Using wood scraps as a hanging place for plants
- Using small stones found on the streets as garden decoration
Of course, by using or applying the use of used items as mentioned above, the budget for renovating this minimalist garden at home will remain safe. In addition, let's take a look at 5 concept ideas for home gardens with an economic budget, which might be your choice in the future!
Hanging Garden
As the name suggests, the next garden concept idea is made with hanging plants. This concept can certainly be applied if your house does not have enough land to build a garden. To make it very easy, you only need to make a hanger like a clothesline, then hang some types of green ornamental plants like Portulaca and Bowiea Volubilis.
- Indoor Garden
The same problem arises if you do not have enough land to build a garden, then you can use empty land inside the house as a place to build a small garden. What is needed to build this indoor garden is only a medium-sized shelf that can be used as a place to put various types of plants such as elephant ear or indoor orchids. - Climbing garfen
The first concept idea for a home garden with a minimal budget is a climbing garden. As the name suggests, this garden is formed with hanging pots that can be placed on the roof or wall of the house. Various types of climbing plants can be chosen to be planted in this garden, such as Ipomoea and Alamanda. In addition to being easy to plant, this climbing garden will also add an aesthetic impression to the house. -
Vertical Garden
The next concept or idea for a home garden with a minimal budget is a vertical garden. This type of garden is a combination of a hanging garden and an indoor garden formed with tiered pots. One tiered pot can be filled with 4-5 types of ornamental plants.
Balcony Garden
For those of you whose balconies are currently only used as motorcycle parking spaces, it's a good idea to start turning them into an aesthetic parking area by building a mini-sized garden. Some types of plants like cacti or Portulaca can be chosen because they are resistant to sunlight exposure. Of course, this mini garden will make the balcony feel cooler and more beautiful.