Create a Beautiful and Shady Garden at Your Home

A garden is one of the main elements that contribute to creating a comfortable atmosphere in a home environment. Especially in a tropical country like ours, which has only two seasons, namely summer and rainy season, we often complain when it's summer and the atmosphere in your house becomes very scorching, making you less comfortable, especially if the house does not use an air conditioner (AC).
This article will provide some choices of shade trees for your residence to make it cooler and more beautiful with a combination of shading plants that you often come across and at an affordable cost, check this out...
Princess Palm
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Princess palm is a type of ornamental plant that is resistant to hot weather and does not easily dry even if not watered for days. Princess palms planted in groups in a row will provide a shady atmosphere in your backyard. To avoid a dull look, red-leaf plants like topiary blood and brojol onions can be added. White rocks are used to provide a contrasting and colorful touch to your garden.
Indian Almond Tree
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The benefit of the Indian almond tree is shading from the sun's rays. This tree has many branches and branches, so it can act as a filter for sunlight during the day. If planted at home, it can protect the house from direct sunlight.
Angsana Tree
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Perhaps we are confused about which tree the angsana tree is. It's no wonder if we're confused about this tree because it has a uniqueness: its name varies in every region. Not only in Indonesia, the presence of this tree is also found abroad, such as in Nigeria, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and many others. The rain tree is one of the trees that has various benefits in our lives, from its leaves to its resin.
Bungur Tree
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The bungur tree is commonly planted as an ornamental plant in yards, gardens, and along the roadsides; it can also be found growing wild on cliffs and forest edges. The bungur tree is popular because of its beautiful flower color. It is a shrub or small tree, typically growing to a height of 2 - 7 m, generally thriving at an elevation of 700 m above sea level. The stem is woody, with many branches coming out from the pointed end.
Umbrella Thorn Tree
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The umbrella thorn tree has a round or semi-globular crown shape, resembling an umbrella. This plant has many branches with a low branch-free height, some of which are only a few centimeters above the ground. The branches grow sharply upward, making the shape of this plant quite beautiful. The abundance of branches typically results in a dense and lush foliage, making it widely used as a shade tree.
Those are some suggestions for shade plants that can make your garden cooler and reduce heat in your home building.
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