Exterior Design for 2-Storey Minimalist House

The existence of an Exterior model can create the impression of a unique style and realize an energy-efficient home for the environment. Especially if combined with a minimalist house that is now popular.
Minimalist design itself also has characteristics that are clean, neat, and guaranteed to be conducive to mental and physical health.
Minimalist exterior can create a modern style that realizes an economical and environmentally friendly home.
Are you looking for a 2-storey minimalist exterior design?
If YES, then this article is perfect for your reference, let's take a peek right now!
Happy reading!!!
1. Uniform Facade Model Design
This uniform facade model has a very unique, elegant and simple appearance.
The appearance of this house only has a few window coverings, simple doors and the same color.
2. Simple Roof Design
Roof designs with lines make the roof look simple and low which can create a chic visual.
The appearance design with a low-pitched roof will reduce the maintenance cost of the house in the long run.
3. Matching Asymmetric Design
The appearance by applying matching color elements, this can create visual depth so that it can make residents feel comfortable when looking at the exterior.
4. Beautiful Geometric Design
A look that often includes shapes, volumes, and geometric lines together with different materials.
Geometric lines have bold characteristics and natural and simple textures, so they can generate visual appeal for the exterior of a minimalist 2-storey house.
5. European Model Design
This appearance is inversely proportional to the appearance of the uniform facade, where this European model uses many windows as ornaments.
The use of colors used is more dominant in white or matching colors, so that it can make the visual of the house look attractive and can display the impression of a small exterior volume.
Those are some Exterior Design inspirations for Minimalist 2-Storey houses, hopefully this article can help and be useful!
Thank you.