ARTICLE / Decoration / From Architect to Chef, Here's a Glimpse of Architectural-Inspired Desserts

From Architect to Chef, Here's a Glimpse of Architectural-Inspired Desserts


Who would have thought that Dinara Kasko, a Ukrainian pastry chef, used to be an architect? With her background in architecture, this dessert chef creates cakes and sweets with beautiful and intricate designs. Her background as an architect, designer, and 3D visualizer has significantly contributed to her work as a chef today.

Creating such beautiful shapes isn't as simple as using standard baking tools. Equipped with 3D software, Kasko designs her cakes using silicone molds. Combining these techniques requires precise calculations to achieve a smooth surface on her cakes.

When she first ventured into this field, she wanted to bring something new to the table. It was here that she realized that presenting desserts isn't just about taste but also about the visual appeal of the food.

There are numerous unique shapes she forms on the surface of her cakes using silicone molds designed with 3ds max. All these creations aren't just for her own cake designs; she also sells them on her website, where she shares her recipes as well.

Her cake designs draw inspiration from modern architecture, art, and even nature. Objects in her surroundings can also inspire her to create new molds.

One of her fascinating creations is the Cake Bubbles. It's a cake with layers of fruit-flavored food accompanied by sponge cake coated with white chocolate in the shape of bubble shells.

Another equally intriguing creation is a cake with red cream icing featuring an unusual angular texture rarely seen in desserts. Starting with simple geometric shapes in her food creations, Kasko began focusing on aesthetic shapes that she could further develop.

Not only does she pay attention to shapes, but she also places great importance on the visible texture of her creations. For example, the sponge cake coated with mousse appears to have a surface resembling concrete. Not only is it visually stunning, but its unique and unconventional shape adds to its appeal.

sumber: Architectural Desserts

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