Home Fence Design Inspiration

Here are some home fence design inspirations that you can try!
source : freepik.com
The house fence is one of the important elements when you want to give a luxurious and modern first impression to the residence. Well, in this discussion we will provide some inspiration for the latest modern minimalist luxury house fence designs, along with the materials and design variations that you can use.
By choosing the right modern minimalist luxury house fence design, your home will look more enchanting.
1. Fence with warm shades
source : idntimes.com
Usually, modern concept fences will use stainless steel, iron, or other elements with silver, other metal colors, or gray. Well, this time we recommend a modern minimalist luxury house fence that has a natural impression that is warm and homy.
2. Natural stone fence
source : jayawan.com
If you want to display a minimalist natural impression on your home, you can use natural stone as an accent for the fence. Pair with iron or mild steel fences. What must be considered is that this natural stone is easily mossy, so it must be cleaned more often.
3. Modern fence with roster wall
source : kanggo.id
This fence uses more than one variety of designs and materials, one of which is a roster wall. Roster, which has a perforated design, can be the right choice to facilitate air circulation in your home! Well, for the other parts of the fence there are those that use natural stone, wood, and ordinary walls.
The combination of various materials and designs will make this fence look more luxurious. This type of fence is usually often applied to luxury residential areas.
4. Minimalist zen concept
source : kompas.com
This concept combines plain wood, concrete and glass as a slot to "peek" outside the house. This feature certainly provides more security to see who is outside. You can use tempered glass for greater durability.
5. White paint iron pager concept laser cut pattern
source : helloshabby.com
This fence is made of iron painted white so that it looks more minimalist. For the edges using ordinary thick iron plates, then at the top and bottom using a row of rather thick iron trellises arranged tightly. Well, for the center, a unique pattern is added with a beautiful laser cut. As a result, the fence will look more modern, luxurious, and aesthetic.
6. Vine leaf minimalist fence
source : rumah.com
You can also try making a nature-inspired fence, with a little leaf design. This fence will give a more natural, natural, and beautiful impression especially if you provide plants in front of the house.
7. Monochrome Style Fence
source : ilmubeton.com
Since long ago, black and white has always been the style of choice due to its neutral nature. For this reason, this monochrome style fence will also remain a trend and even timeless. The monochrome fence style can also be applied to various types of fence materials such as iron and aluminum. Make sure to use a special type of paint that is resistant to hot and rainy weather because of its use as a fence.
Hope this helps!