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Patio Design Inspirations


Confused about how to decorate your patio? Here are several patio design inspirations that you can try!

Backyard Patio Ideas: 100-Plus Tricks That Take Your Yard From Drab to Fab  | Architectural Digest | Architectural Digestsource :

Backyard Patio Ideas: 100-Plus Tricks That Take Your Yard From Drab to Fab | Architectural Digest | Architectural Digestsource:

According to the Indonesian dictionary, a patio is an open veranda behind a house or an open garden within a house.

You can build a patio in your home if you want to have an open space for relaxation or simply to enhance the appearance of your yard.

An open courtyard not only adds aesthetic value but also serves multiple functions, as many homes in Europe and America use patios as outdoor dining areas.

The outdoor structure is more versatile than a porch or terrace with chair and table decorations.


1. Minimalist Design

5 Desain Dapur Semi Outdoor Minimalis yang Asrisource :

The first inspiration features a minimalist design. Its compact size is suitable for application in minimalist homes.

This design is perfect for modern and contemporary minimalist houses.


2. Floating patio

Free photo patio or balcony with chair around sea and ocean view

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Having a house or villa at a high elevation doesn't hinder you from creating a patio.

As seen in this inspiration, a patio can be designed to float, meaning it doesn't directly stand on the ground.

Similar to a raised house, a patio can still be sturdily built with supporting pillars underneath.

The concept of a floating patio is quite unique and suits wooden homes or resort-style houses.


3. Natural and Sweet Design

16 Patio Landscaping Ideassource :

Want to evoke a natural and sweet ambiance in this area? Opt for wooden flooring to achieve that impression.

You can also decorate with ornamental plants or trees to enhance the natural atmosphere. Choose minimalist chairs and tables that don't take up much space.


4. Simple Corner Patio

34 Patio ideas for a stylish outdoor living space | Ideal Homesource :

Even in limited space, you can design it in a corner of the room.

However, its appearance remains aesthetic.


5. Cozy Patio

77 Patio Decor Ideas - Stylish Outdoor Patio Designs and Photossource:

A patio can seamlessly blend with a terrace, only it's larger than the average terrace.

As seen in the above inspiration, the patio has a friendly and warm appearance, suitable for traditional house models.

The chosen concept is very vintage, with a strong sense of antiquity yet artistic.

You can enhance the vintage feel by adding chairs and tables with a similar theme.


6. Contemporary Patio

Apa Itu Rumah Kontemporer? Ini Karakteristik, Keunggulan, dan 5 Contoh  Desainnya

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Looking at this home patio inspiration, we can agree that it exudes an artsy, elegant, modern, and minimalist vibe.

This is the hallmark of contemporary design. This concept is not only versatile in building design but can also be applied to various areas, including verandas or patios.

Contrasting colors and daring furniture choices in terms of shape make this open area comfortable yet unique.

This theme suits modern homes.


7. Patio with Fish Pond

20 Desain Kolam Koi Terbaru Yang Terhubung Dengan Alam - sisiruang

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Adanya kolam ikan minimalis membuat patio menjadi lebih menarik, lo.

Having a minimalist fish pond makes the patio more appealing.

And if there are ornamental plants, wooden flooring, and refreshing green grass around, it becomes even more attractive.

Hope this is useful!


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