Kamar Mandi dengan Gaya Modern yang Memberikan Pemandangan Memukau Dari Jendelanya

The bathroom is one of the rooms where we can relax and calm down. Especially if the bathroom has a beautiful and cozy design. But not only that, having a bathroom with a window needs to have a beautiful view as well. That's because a good view can raise the mood. Making bath and soaking time feel wiser. Here are some examples of bathroom designs with windows overlooking mountain and natural views.
This elegant bathroom design does need to be praised. Not only because of the attractive shape of the bathtub, but also marble tiles with neutral colors and motifs. The window with its black frame also takes a good view outside. When soaking in it can be while lying down and looking at the sky outside. A warm impression was also seen in the room with its yellow wall lamp.
For this one design, the bathroom depicts a cool and cold atmosphere. Not only through the white bathtub but also the view offered in the area of the house shows a cool atmosphere.
For this one bathtub, it feels very elegance and beauty offered. Curved window scopes offer expansive views outside the building. Relaxing while enjoying the beauty of nature is an important staple in the design of this one bathroom. Suitable for relaxation and self-relaxation.
With a minimal size and rigid lines make this bathroom seem stiff, formal, and elegant. The brown ceramic tiles blend with the color of the sink shelf. The feel of the bathroom at night will feel serene because of the wall lamp that provides warmth in the bathroom.
This bathroom with all-wood material has a fairly distinctive style. Looking luxurious but also returning to nature, the material in this bathroom really shows its specialty. Feels a minimalist and unique design displayed in this room. Reminds us of the spa atmosphere in a Japanese-style public bath.
The bathroom consisting of a bathtub and shower is quite attractive by highlighting the black stone material. The combination of bathrooms and glass windows is rarely used due to privacy concerns. One traditional approach is to use a smaller window and place it on the top of the bathroom wall. So you can still enjoy the outside scenery like the design above.
The glass wall in the corner of this room provides boundless views. As if soaking in an outdoor area. The combination of white and black makes this area look eye-cathcy.
For this one design is quite special. Because the bathroom is connected to a balcony that presents a beautiful outside view. After finishing the shower and looking refreshed, you can immediately sit back and enjoy the surrounding scenery.
Not just a glass window in the bathroom. The frame and its symmetrical shape beautify this room. The all-white room combined with wooden elements is very simple but memorable. The motif in this bathroom also makes the room not monotonous.
Rustic style is never boring. Besides looking natural, this style is still suitable combined with modern style. So that the room looks like semi-classic and also contemporary. As is the case in the bathroom design above. The rustic-style design appears on the window frames and sink shelves and bathroom partitions. While the modern bathtub gives a different touch with the marble material.
source: bathroom with amazing view