Various Powder Room Designs That Will Impress Guests
Surely you still feel unfamiliar with the sentence powder room. Not that the powder room but almost similar. Powder room is a toilet room equipped with a toilet and sink and mirror in it. So it is not far from the meaning, which is a small room that is also used for makeup. Usually this powder room itself is located near the living room area or family room that can be reached by guests.
Powder room with all-white design. The toilet, walls, and sink are white but accented differently on the wooden floor. The window is not only a distributor of light from outside but also as air circulation.
The black iron frame in the room is not only used as a structure, but also an element that beautifies the room.
Creating an illusion in this room can be used with unique wallpapers. Of course, this wallpaper is also supported by floor material similar to wallpaper images. Not to forget the dark wall color further unites the atmosphere of the room.
Giving joy to the powder room never hurts. With white and light blue strips all over the walls, it reminds us of a carnival atmosphere. The vertical lines on the walls also give the illusion as if the room looks tall.
An intimate atmosphere can be felt in this design. Lighting with yellow lights further strengthens the impression of a closed space. The selection of furniture also uses dark colors such as the sink and table made of dark-wood.
The silver color which reflects futuristic colors is quite comfortable to look at in this room. The walls and ceiling are given a light blue color that gives a calm impression. The dressing table is also made similar to the marble floor.
Not only the inside is noticed, the outside of this powder room is classified as unique and unusual. The shape of the curved room and the floor connected to the main room. It stands out and is easily recognizable by visiting guests.
A dark and warm atmosphere is given with brown walls, dark log cabins, and paintings themed with the colors of the room. Coupled with candles as a light for the room. Interesting but quite scary also if for guests who are not used to this kind of atmosphere.
The designer of this space understands that to beautify the space is not only through wall paint alone. The use of small tiles arranged randomly in color gives it an attractive beauty.
Place the sink in the corner of the room looks perfect with wood and marble materials. Tiles from rocks with various colors complement each other with this outdoor design.
If previously equipped with natural materials, the sink in this corner is decorated with colored curtains. Round glass is also placed following the direction of the sink. Elements decorating the room with antiques on the walls also beautify the space.
The built-in sink with a table and its structure is quite unique. The horizontal half-oval shape fits perfectly into the shape of the table. Just imagine if the shape is round, it might feel strange.
The powder room looks very elegant this time. Not only because of the shiny material, but also because of the golden decoration motifs on the partition glass, mirrors, and sinks.
If you want to have a space that looks masculine, the design of this space can be your inspiration. With black-and-white colors give its own beauty to the room. The floor is arranged like a chessboard and the room is divided with white ceramics and black wall paint. Even the toilet seat is also very eye-cathcing with the black seat.