ARTIKEL / Interior / Maximizing Space in a Narrow Land Residential
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Maximizing Space in a Narrow Land Residential


People living in densely populated urban areas often face similar housing challenges. These issues are frequently addressed by purchasing or building small budget-friendly homes, especially for young individuals starting families or those living alone. Having a small home with limited space doesn't have to be a problem. With careful planning and knowledge of how to arrange the interior of a small home effectively, a small house can appear spacious.

To address the challenges of small homes, here are some tricks for maximizing space and making a small home look more expansive. Check them out:

Utilize Mirrors on the Walls

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If you visit a restaurant or a small retail store with limited space, take a look around the walls. Owners often use mirrors to create the illusion of a larger space. This mirror trick can also be applied to small homes.

In a relatively narrow room, hang several medium-sized mirrors side by side. Coordinate the mirror frames with a uniform color to enhance the room's decor and create the illusion of a larger space.

Use Striped Flooring

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Clothing with striped or vertical patterns can make a person appear taller, while horizontal stripes can make someone look wider. You can apply this optical illusion to your small home. If your small room is wider, consider using a striped carpet or floor with vertical patterns to create the impression of a longer space, and vice versa.

Large Windows and Curtains

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Large windows allow ample natural light to enter a small home, transforming it into a bright and open space. Pair these large windows with tall curtains and drapes to make the ceiling appear higher, giving the illusion of more vertical space.

Arranging and selecting interior elements for a small home requires careful consideration to avoid making it feel cramped. Therefore, choose furniture types and colors wisely to make the most of your small space!

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