Playroom for Children that Makes them Enjoy Playing Inside the House

Memiliki seorang anak akan membuat orang tua khawatir jika anaknya bermain di luar rumah tanpa pengawasan. Atau bahkan bisa jadi bermain di luar rumah tidak terjamin aman dan kebersihannya. Untuk itu banyak orang tua yang membuat ruang bermain untuk anak di rumah. Tidak hanya sekedar ruangan dengan penuh boneka ataupun mainan, ruang bermain anak perlu didesain menarik dan juga interaktif untuk anak. Untuk itu mari simak beberapa desain ruang bermain anak dalam rumah berikut.
Pencahayaan untuk ruang anak perlu diperhatikan. Ruangan yang terang akan baik untuk kesehatan mata anak. Dengan ruangan serba putih dan diberi aksen warna tosca yang tidak mencolok memberikan kesegaran pada ruang bermain ini. Dinding pada ruangan juga dibuat maju mundur sehingga tidak akan terasa monoton pada pelingkupnya.
Untuk anak yang suka bergerak dan juga aktif, ruang bermain seperti desain yang satu ini akan melatih fisik anak. Aman dan berada dipengawasan orang rumah. Melatih anak menjadi pribadi yang mandiri dan juga membangkitkan jiwa petualangan anak. Tapi ingat tetap awasi dan bermain dengan anak jika terdapat wahana seperti ini di dalam rumah.
Kalau untuk desain yang satu ini pasti ruang bermain yang disukai anak perempuan. Bermain dress-up dan seolah-olah berada di panggung akan menghibur anak. Tidak hanya itu saja, ruang bermain seperti ini akan membantu anak melatih mental ketika suatu saat ia akan naik di atas panggung. Jadi tidak demam panggung dan bisa mengekspresikan dirinya deh.
Bermain rumah-rumahan tentu saja sudah jadi permainan umum untuk segala anak. Tidak sekedar rumah ukuran kecil, memiliki rumah yang seukuran dengan mereka akan meningkatkan daya imajinasi mereka. Anak-anak dapat bermain bersama temannya seakan berada di dalam rumah mereka sendiri. Ditambah lagi anak-anak memang menyukai ruang pribadi untuk mereka sendiri di dalam kamarnya.
Creating a room setting to resemble a specific place can be fun and interesting for children. Like in the design above. The room is arranged to resemble a market and a kitchen. Children can also learn from this play area. For example, learning to count and read. The entire room is made with wooden walls and floors to provide comfort and warmth when inside the space.
Even though there are no vibrant colors in the room, using black and white in a play area can be combined with unique patterns. From striped designed carpets, oval patterns on the walls, and silhouette images of buildings give uniqueness to the room. Even the furniture and other toys in the play area are made with similar colors.
In addition to playing dress-up, girls also like playing with dolls and playing house. Playing as if the doll is a friend, children often prepare games like cooking or having a tea party. Therefore, the play area is designed according to the child's request to function as a dollhouse and can store all their dolls in it.
Who doesn't know the game of Lego? Assembling toy blocks into cars, castles, and various other shapes can enhance a child's creativity. Designing a child's room with a game will make the child even more cheerful, especially if it's their favorite game. Filled with various colors, the play area becomes lively and exciting.
Not only playing, children can also learn in this room. Applying learning through games makes the child more eager to learn and be active. Thus, making learning easier and more enjoyable for the child. Like in this room, one of the walls is designed with a scramble game.
Sports can also be a fun game for children. Creating a mini indoor field at home can also be a play area for children. Parents can also participate in the game. Don't forget, this room is equipped with a floor covered in a carpet forming a field pattern. Apart from resembling a field, it is also safe for the child to play.
Who wouldn't like this room design? Filled with a ship atmosphere, children will be very active playing in this room. The wallpaper on the walls is adjusted to the overall concept of the room as if being on a big river in the middle of the city. Even the perspective of the images on the walls creates that impression. Not to forget other small details like birds hanging from the ceiling and small ships the size of a small child. The floor is also decorated with blue water color and frog images.
Almost similar to the previous ship theme, this room also has ship-themed rides that can be entered by the children. But not only that, the room is filled with various other games. Full of blue tones, a color that supports children's creativity and self-confidence.