ARTIKEL / Bedroom / The Secret to Designing a Boarding Room: Make a Small Room Feel Spacious!
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The Secret to Designing a Boarding Room: Make a Small Room Feel Spacious!


Life in a boarding house is a common thing when you go abroad and we as children from abroad will get used to this habit over time. And usually we will always have problems with the boarding room space which usually feels small. It's just that if you want to overcome the problem of having a boarding room that looks small, you can use several methods such as changing the design and layout of the furniture or items in your room with a style like

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-Minimalist design style: This style itself is a design style that prioritizes simplicity, order and cleanliness in creating a room, and this design itself is the type of design style that is most often used by people because the concept is very simple and easy to understand, namely using enough items so that not many will go unused and also use items that have many functions or can be said to be multifunctional furniture. And the characteristics of this style are using clean lines, prioritizing functionality, and also using natural light. 

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-Scandinavian interior design style: This design style is well known abroad. The characteristic of this design style is that it emphasizes simplicity, functionality and natural beauty. This design style is usually used in areas such as Nordic countries such as Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and is inspired by the European climate. The characteristic of this design style is that in designing they tend to use white, neutral colors and natural wood, then use simple lines and a clean and fresh aesthetic. And also use white walls and large mirrors.

From the 2 things above we can see that these 2 styles have a slight similarity between each other, but they are just a little different. If we combine them into one, we will get a style and method that we can possibly use to make our boarding room wider and better. The following are things you might be able to do to update the appearance of your boarding room.

1. Item Filter


Many of you as boarding house students definitely have a lot of things that you keep, but these items are not needed or even used anymore, so these items pile up in the boarding room. Thus, before we can really create the room we want, the thing we have to do first is filter out items that have never been used on a daily basis and we will not even use them and also clean and separate items according to their categories, such as pens, books, etc. laptops, etc.

2. Multifunctional furniture


After we have filtered the items in our boarding room, we will start inserting furniture that has many functions and this aims to save us space and at the same time maintain the functions or tools we need in the boarding room. And it can be recommended that for mattresses use a mattress that is placed underneath or a mattress without a bottom frame, this is because it makes it easier if you want to change the location of existing tools and can expand the space you have, because mattresses that have a frame usually will it is more difficult to move and it will be more difficult to maintain so it will be less time consuming just to change the existing layout.

3. Routinely Rotate


The rotation referred to here is the layout, you can make changes to the layout regularly, this is so that you can find a place that is really comfortable and also that you don't feel bored when you see the same room shape over and over again, and this rotation also useful for you to clean the room as a whole.

4. Use light colors


Apart from doing this with the furniture/items that you own, you can also use bright colors in your boarding room to create a spacious atmosphere, and you can also beautify your room by using colors that have a bright feel. It's just that in some boarding houses changing the color of boarding rooms is not allowed so you have to make sure of this first before changing the color. If this cannot be done, you can do the following.

5. Utilize Mirrors


You can use mirrors to make the room feel more spacious, but usually the mirrors used are full mirrors or mirrors that are sized according to our height, because the bigger the mirror used, the more spacious the room will feel because of the reflection in the mirror. which makes us feel that our room is wider.

6. Use Good Lighting


Apart from doing the things above, you also have to pay attention to the light coming into your room, both from outside and the lights in your room. This is because light can greatly influence the lighting in a room, so good lighting can influence the atmosphere of the room because the brighter the light used, the clearer the room will appear.

From the tips above, you should be able to create a comfortable and minimalist boarding room, but you also need to know some mistakes you might make when arranging your room, here are some mistakes you might make.

-Place items that obstruct the direction of air circulation

Place items in the direction of the main circulation of the boarding house, usually a boarding house only has 1 window pane, most of the mistakes are here when they arrange the rooms instead they block the circulation which causes the room to have less light and air.

-Don't want to spend money on buying a cupboard to organize the room

Usually there are some people who don't want to buy a cupboard even though the cupboard is something that can really help to tidy up the boarding room so that it looks neat and also looks more beautiful. and investing in this cupboard is a very good thing because with a cupboard the activities you do will become even easier because you can put lots of things at once in that place and it can also look neater.


Once you understand the above, you can start to change and improve your boarding room from what was previously messy and looked full to become more spacious and more comfortable, and you can do the above things regularly because this can be a help in making your boarding room become more comfortable.


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