ARTIKEL / Tips & Trick / It’s Time to Tidy Up Your House with Some Quick Cleaning Hacks!
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It’s Time to Tidy Up Your House with Some Quick Cleaning Hacks!


Home improvement is a massive responsibility in itself. It requires more effort, depending on the property size. More rooms, more work! If you allow minor upgrades to pile up, the whole thing can quickly become a headache. Busy schedules can keep you occupied from paying attention to that specific part. Managing them from time to time is the best way to avoid pressure buildup. With little time also, you can handle areas that demand your involvement. Suppose something has become dysfunctional, old, or damaged. A smaller piece is easy to replace because of budget or a quicker replacement process.

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For instance, your old apron-front sink surface may have developed scratches. You can swap it out with a farmhouse kitchen sink. Or, if the living room curtain looks worn out, you can take them down to put the new ones. All these are lighter jobs. While changing the old with new is mostly a one-time maintenance project, the ongoing process, like cleaning, is the most challenging. Most homeowners make excuses to delay or ignore it completely. Please be careful. Regular cleaning is essential for a safer home ambiance. Ultimately, even the newly purchased items will require this type of maintenance. Of course, it's tedious and tiring. However, some cleaning hacks can reduce the burden of this chore tremendously. Do you wish to try them? Here is a quick rundown.


Pet dander

Everyone loves their furry friends; their thick, shiny coats make them more charming. Unfortunately, the hair from their body accumulates rapidly. You can find them on pillows, rugs, sofas, floors, etc. Usually, people invest in attachments and tools to get rid of them. If there are budget issues, they push the cleaning schedule till they get the right tools. But they need to realize the health risks of the accumulating fur, which can cause asthma and allergy. You can tackle this problem easily with simple things like regular rubber gloves. Wear them and move your hands over the furniture pieces. The glove material will collect the fur in a ball shape for easy disposal.


Ceiling fans

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Many homes, especially in warmer regions, install ceiling fans for efficiency and lower utility costs. Do you know the same feature can also turn into a health hazard? AAAAI (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology) says that a dusty and dirty ceiling fan houses dust mites or allergens that can cause asthma and allergic reactions. Although dust mites exist almost everywhere in the house, they thrive in warm and wet environments offered by upholstered items, bedding, and carpeting. If you want to avoid this, clean the electronic appliance regularly. Don't worry about a packed schedule. You can do your job efficiently with a pillowcase. Slip it over the blades individually, and the pillowcase will collect all the dust inside. Your floor and furniture will be safe.



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Weekly cleaning is suitable for your home's health. It prevents the risk of dust accumulation and stubborn stains. But who has so much time to spend on this chore? Then, the inaccessible areas can make you procrastinate more. Think of window blinds. You think of cleaning them whenever you see dust and dirt on them. However, it gets postponed just when you look at those different slats and calculate the amount of labor it will take. You decide next week will be better to handle this. Unfortunately, that day is rare or never comes. While you have a reason to overlook them, you must know that slats collect dead skin, hair, and unwanted particles over time. Due to this, they look dingy. They also ruin your home's peaceful atmosphere.

If you wish to protect everything, take old or discarded socks to clean them. Wear the socks in one hand and sprinkle some water on them. Slide your covered hand over the blind panel from one corner to another. It will quickly clean both the lower and upper parts of the slat. For deep cleaning, you can use a microfiber cloth, dishwashing soap, and old towels. Since it needs extra effort, you can avoid deep cleaning by occasionally removing dust from their surfaces.


Window treatments

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The curtains also become loaded with dust over time. You can manage them well with some simple tricks. Let them stay on the rod, and shake the fabric to loosen the dust. After this, you can clean curtains with a vacuum cleaner from top to bottom. Vacuum clean the floor after the windows to remove any dusted residues. Shaking the fabric once a day is the easiest way to remove unwanted material from its surface. When you get time, you can run your vacuum cleaner for better effect. However, watch for buttons, trims, and other parts during vacuuming.



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When run without cleaning for long, the appliance develops black spots, black marks, and other unpleasant growths. These stains are usually black yeast and not mold. It doesn't affect adults, but older people and babies can face health complications because of the development of yeast on the dishwasher's surface. How do we keep this specific unit clean of these dangers? The cleaning experts suggest placing one cup of baking soda on the lower part of the empty dishwasher. Let it be there overnight. You can add vinegar instead of dish soap the next day and run the hot water cycle. It will deodorize this machinery thoroughly. No odor, no unsightly spots! Just take care of the filters, though.

Some surfaces are easy to clean as you go. Think of sinks in the kitchen and bathroom. When you wash utensils or hands, quickly clean the surface with a soft brush and a little liquid soap. But anything with too many curves, nooks, or heights can be challenging. If your office and home chores prevent you from cleaning duty, you can try these little tricks whenever possible. Slowly build it into your habit. And you can call a deep cleaning service once in a while. A combination of regular and scheduled maintenance efforts will reduce your mental and physical burden. Your home will smile with sparkling clean surfaces everywhere. Plus, everyone will feel healthy and peaceful in the house.

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