ARTICLE / Building / Skylodge Adventure Suites: Hanging Capsule Accommodation in the Sacred Mountain Valley, Peru

Skylodge Adventure Suites: Hanging Capsule Accommodation in the Sacred Mountain Valley, Peru


Mountain climbers will surely love this one. Sleeping on a cliff with a beautiful view is a thrilling experience in itself. This is what is offered in the Sacred Mountain Valley in Cuzco, Peru.

Skylodge Adventure Suites, a transparent capsule accommodation hanging in the valley, can be rented and enjoyed by various visitors. It also takes some effort to sleep and relax in this place. Tourists must climb up through a ladder-like structure made of iron.

skylodge suites

Spending a night in this place alone would be enjoyable. The accommodation package includes breakfast and a luxurious dinner with wine, transportation from Cuzco, and a professional guide who can speak multiple languages. Unfortunately, there are only four capsules in this area.

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The path to the Skylodge area looks terrifying, especially for those afraid of heights. However, for those who enjoy hiking and have an adventurous spirit, this will be a unique challenge. Their hard work will surely be rewarded when they reach the capsule accommodation.

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Upon reaching the destination area, out of the four capsules, only three can be used for overnight stays, with a capacity of four visitors and one guide for each capsule. The remaining capsule is used as a dining area. These capsules measure 7.3 meters in length and 2.4 meters in height.

dry toilet

These capsules use solar energy for lighting. Inside the capsules, there is also a bathroom separated from the sleeping area by an insulating wall. The toilet system used is a dry ecological toilet, and the sink does not involve water like a flushing toilet.

area bersantai di atas kapsul

Pillows and blankets are provided to keep warm inside the capsule. The temperature in this place ranges from 4 degrees Celsius at night to 21 degrees Celsius during the day. The capsules can also carry a significant load, 21 times the weight of five people.

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This accommodation capsule, opened in June 2013, has been visited by approximately 3500 visitors who have stayed in these transparent capsules. Sleeping inside these capsules is certainly an unusual and unforgettable experience. It offers a romantic atmosphere with a view of the stars, a comfortable bed, and thick blankets.

salah satu kapsul penginapan

Dinner in these capsules is also special. Enjoying food prepared by the guide and chef, they prepare local cuisine in this hanging kitchen. The food becomes even more delicious while enjoying the beauty of the night.

kapsul ruang makan

If the nighttime view isn't enough, the morning view will make you even more enthusiastic. Greeted with blue skies and a sunrise. Certainly, the atmosphere that can only be experienced in these capsules is priceless and can be used to relieve everyday stress and monotony. Enjoying the view for hours while sipping hot tea.

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The capsule, with its steel frame structure, transparent glass enclosure, and wooden floor, is not just a design choice. Strength considerations are needed to support the weight and mass of living and non-living objects. Not only the capsules themselves are considered, but also the supporting structure of the capsules that is connected to the cliff. Safety must be ensured and regular maintenance is necessary.

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