ARTICLE / Garden / Some plants that are suitable and right for you to plant during the rainy season. Check them out!!!

Some plants that are suitable and right for you to plant during the rainy season. Check them out!!!


Some plants that are suitable and right for you to plant during the rainy season. Check them out!!!

Do you know some plants that are suitable for the rainy season, from vegetables to ornamental plants!

For those of you who love gardening or nurturing plants, the rainy season can be a threat to plants. This is because some plants are not suitable to grow in areas with too much rain.

Soil conditions that are too moist or wet can affect the fertility of plant soil. Therefore, choosing the right type of plant is also very important.

So, what are the plants that are suitable for planting in the rainy season? Read on until the end, let's go!


1. Rice

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Rice is a major food crop in Indonesia that grows well during the rainy season. Rice thrives on wet soil and plenty of water, so the rainy season is the perfect time to plant rice.

Also, rice needs enough sunlight and nutrients to grow well.

2. Long Beans

ladang kacang panjang cina - tanaman kacang panjang potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


The next type of plant is long bean, which is a vegetable plant that is easy to grow during the rainy season and is suitable for planting in the lowlands. Long beans also require loose and fertile soil, enough sunlight, and plenty of water to grow well.

3. Tomato

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Tomatoes grow well during the rainy season, as they need plenty of water. Tomatoes need loose and fertile soil, as well as sufficient sunlight. Tomatoes can also be grown in pots or polybags and placed in your yard. You can also use hydroponic media to grow tomatoes.

4. Green Beans

polong kacang pada latar belakang daun hijau dan dill - tanaman kacang hijau potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Besides long beans, mung beans also thrive in the rainy season. Mung beans require ample water and fertile soil. In addition, mung beans also need enough sunlight to grow well and lush.

Therefore, mung bean sprouts can grow very quickly using wet cotton planting media.

5. Chili

pot tanaman lada dengan warna merah dan kuning - tanaman cabai potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Chili peppers can also grow well in the rainy season, because this plant needs a lot of water intake in order to grow well.

You can plant chili peppers in your yard. Because, chili plants do not need a large area to grow well.

6. Anthurium

bunga anthurium bermekaran di taman. - tanaman anthurium potret stok, foto, & gambar bebas royalti


Anthurium houseplants are native to South America and the Caribbean. It is known for its beautiful colorful flowers and shiny green leaves.

Anthurium is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees, so it needs high humidity to thrive.

7. Fern

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Ferns or ferns belong to a large group of ornamental plants that thrive in moist and shady areas. These plants come in many different types and sizes, and are perfect for planting during the rainy season.

Ferns require high humidity and indirect sunlight exposure.

8. Peace Lily

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Finally, there is the Peace Lily ornamental plant which has beautiful white flowers and dark green leaves. This plant thrives in the rainy season with high humidity and indirect sun exposure.

This plant is very suitable as a home and garden decoration because it has very beautiful flowers.

Thus the explanation of several types of vegetable plants and ornamental plants that can thrive during the rainy season. Hopefully useful. Thanks you

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