ARTIKEL / Garage and Shed / Tips for Organizing a Narrow Warehouse at Home
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Tips for Organizing a Narrow Warehouse at Home


Having a warehouse at home indeed has its own advantages, but not everyone has a spacious warehouse. A narrow warehouse with a lot of items to be placed in it can certainly be stressful as we get confused about where to put them.

Of course, you wouldn't want that to happen, right? Well, for those of you who have experienced or want to prevent this, here are some tips on organizing a narrow warehouse at home.


1. Sort the Items

Sort all the stored or to-be-stored items in the warehouse. Sort and discard items that are not too important. Make sure you only keep essential items or items that are likely to be used again. Do not keep items that are unlikely to be used again.


2. Categorize the Items

Categorize the items you will store in the warehouse. For example, storage boxes filled with unused dolls or children's toys labeled "toys." Then, another storage box containing old clothes labeled "clothes." Adjust according to your individual needs.

Categorizing items like this can make it easier for you to find what you need.


3. Use Shelving Units

If the items you want to store in the warehouse are not too large, using shelving units can be a solution. Shelving units will also make the warehouse more spacious because your items will not be stacked and scattered on the floor.


4. Utilize the Warehouse Walls

If there is remaining space in the warehouse, utilize the warehouse walls to store your items.

Do you have a bike that is rarely used? You can hang it on your warehouse wall. This saves space for your garage or house parking area, doesn't it?


5. Use Drawer Racks or Storage Boxes

If you have many work documents that are still frequently used but there is no space in your workspace, you can use drawer racks or storage boxes. By using drawer racks or storage boxes, it will certainly help you find the needed documents easier. Also, don't forget to label your drawer racks or storage boxes so you won't forget.

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