ARTICLE / Decoration / Unique! Various Buildings Are Beautifully Designed with Artistic Murals on Their Walls!

Unique! Various Buildings Are Beautifully Designed with Artistic Murals on Their Walls!


A building is not only beautiful to look at because of its unique shape or size. The facade of the building is also quite important in enhancing its beauty. One way to do this is by coloring the exterior facade of the building. However, instead of just painting, some building walls become a canvas for unique mural art. Murals themselves not only give uniqueness to the building but also make it more iconic and attractive due to their unique imagery. Here are some mural ideas that can serve as inspiration.

1. Markthal Rotterdam


Not only is the unique curvaceous shape of the building fascinating, but the building designed by the renowned architecture firm MVRDV also has an interesting interior design on its curved walls. This apartment and market building has become a facility that captures attention, drawing many visitors to the place. The glass facade exposes the mural decoration, which becomes a point of view in its interior. The mural depicted on the walls is not just any artwork; it has a title, 'Cornucopia.' The artists, Arno Coenen and Iris Roskam, beautifully depicted paintings of fruits and vegetables on the ceiling made of aluminum panels.

2. Iconic Ed Massey Mural


The mural located at Culver Plaza in Culver City, California, had a delightful appearance. The artwork known as 'Syncopation' had a rhythmic depiction with strong accents in each of its colors. Unfortunately, this iconic work in Culver City was destroyed due to redevelopment in the area. However, Ed Massey's work will always be remembered by the community for its highly impressive appearance.

3. Origami Mural


Unlike murals created with paint and brushes, the mural on this building is made up of 15,000 origami birds. Although it may seem simple, the installation and creation process must have been extremely meticulous. The choice of various bright colors against the black background of the building gives a cheerful and vibrant impression. From a distance, it looks unique and the symbols depicted on the building's wall are clearly visible.

4. Rainbow Honeycomb


An artist named Marina Zumi created a stunning mural on a building at the corner of Halle Street in Germany. The artwork she created is truly beautiful, resembling a colorful beehive pattern completed in just 12 days. This 800 square meter masterpiece was part of a festival in Germany called the 'All You Can Paint' festival. The building with many windows might have been a challenging canvas to work on, but it posed no problem for Zumi as she crafted this beehive-inspired design.

5. Karama Street Grafiti


Both of these buildings are not the only mural artworks created on the streets of Dubai. This area is often referred to as the 'Karama Street Art Project.' In total, there are 24 mural artworks with various styles and themes. From graffiti to animal illustrations, 3D art, and abstract pieces, they can be found on various buildings. Undoubtedly, this old district in Dubai has become an iconic place worth visiting for tourists. Not only local artists but also international artists have contributed to creating these artworks.

6. Technicolor Drip


"A parking structure in Culver City has its own unique charm with a mural that appears to be melting colors. Created by Jen Stark in 2016, this artwork combines various colors inspired by natural formations and psychedelic design. Jen Stark has created numerous mural works in various locations, including museums and Miami International Airport.

7. Kobra New Mural


A street mural in Los Angeles, California, created by street artist Eduardo Kobra, has a captivating appearance and vibrant colors. It's not just the mosaic-like appearance with its various colors, but also the focus on the eyes that makes viewers wonder who the person in the mural is. This is no ordinary painting; Kobra created portraits of Nobel laureates. In total, there are three painted faces that leave people wondering about the owners of those beautiful eyes.

8. Alex Brewer Hense Mural


The mural created by Alex Brewer, also known as Hense, can be considered quite distinctive. His artistic style with unique shapes and a vibrant mix of colors brings life to the atmosphere in the Maryland area. The industrial building with the green garden in front of it makes the area even more enjoyable. Undoubtedly, this mural has become a point of attraction and an icon in the city of Maryland, thanks to its considerable size.

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