Vacation while Learning Islamic Civilization, 8 Countries with Islamic Buildings and History You Must Visit!

During the fasting month, of course, Muslims and Muslim women do not just laze around at home. Various activities are carried out from worship to providing food for breaking the fast and also sahur. But what if during the fasting month you want to take a vacation abroad? Yep! You don't need to worry, while vacationing, of course, some of these countries also have traces of Islam. You can learn about the development of Islam in some of these countries. The historical buildings also display the beauty of Islamic architecture at that time. Here are some countries with Islamic historical records that can be a place to learn about the history of Islam through its beautiful architectural heritage.
1. Spain
mosque-cathedral of cordoba via wikipedia
This country does not look like a typical Islamic country. However, Cordoba, Granada, and Seville are cities in Spain that are very thick with Islamic civilization. The beautifully designed buildings of places of worship are the Mosque of Cordoba and Medina Azahara. The Mosque of Cordoba was originally a mosque, but is now used as a cathedral. This architecturally beautiful building was designated by UNESCO as a very historic and important heritage site in the world. Similarly, Medina Azahara is an archaeological site of great historical value.
alhambra palace via islamicity
Apart from Cordoba, Granada is also a silent witness to the development of Islam. It is in this city that the Alhambra Palace symbolizes the peak of Islamic glory. The building is adorned with decorative elements as well as arched doorways, visible throughout. During the Muslim era, Andalusia was the largest center of Islamic development in the world.
2. Turkey
It is no secret that Turkey itself holds a lot of Islamic heritage, especially in Istanbul, which means the city of Islam. The beautiful Blue Mosque designed by Mehmed Aga proves the development of Islam in 1609.
blue mosque via tourketurki
Another building in the country is the Hagia Sophia Museum. This Byzantine-era building is famous for its large dome, which is indeed a symbol of that era. The building was originally a cathedral, then converted into a mosque, and finally into a museum. The building is restored to its original form, namely the description on the wall as when it functioned as a church.
museum hagia sophie via indiatoturkey
Another interesting place to visit is Topkapi Palace. This 15th to 17th century royal palace was later designated as a world heritage site that functions as a museum. The museum holds various relics of the Prophet Muhammad that will show you Islam in the past.
3. Palestine/Israel
Jerusalem, besides being a holy city for Jews and Christians, is also important for Muslims. In Israel, especially Jerusalem, there are Al Aqsa Mosque and Qubbat As Sakhrah Mosque. Al Aqsa Mosque itself for Muslims is a silent witness and important in the Isra Miraj event..
masjid al aqsa via parstoday
Al Aqsa Mosque is distinctively designed with a gray tin dome. Various kinds of calligraphy and arches can be seen in the interior of the building. The dome of this mosque is different from ancient Roman architecture, this dome is a feature of early Islamic architecture. Of course, this building has undergone several renovations due to various events that caused the mosque building to be damaged.
Unfortunately, this place is in a disputed area between Palestine and Israel. Both sides recognize the city of Jerusalem as belonging to both countries. Of course, this historic city is important for every community.
4. France
Perhaps this country is a bit foreign to those who want to know the history of Islam. But the country known for its fashion and eiffel tower has two destinations that you must visit, La Grande Mosquee de Paris and Musee du Louvre. Strange? Not at all until you read this explanation.
La Grande Mosquee de Paris via wikimedia
La Grande Mosquee de Paris is the oldest mosque in France. This 1926 building functions as a place of worship and also a center for Islamic studies. Various Muslims come together in this mosque. This magnificent architectural building is a token of France's gratitude by Muslim groups who fought against the Germans in World War I. Inside the mosque, you will see various decorative elements and arches typical of Islamic architecture. The building looks beautiful and stunning with a choice of muted colors.
Museum de Louvre via eurodicas
As for the museum de Louvre, it is very famous throughout the world because of its unique shape. The museum, which is an icon of Paris, contains 3000 objects of art that tell the history of Islam from the past. This underground museum is certainly a must-visit building when visiting Paris.
5. Germany
Islam is the second largest religion practiced by the German people. Most of the Muslims are of Turkish descent. Berlin is one of the favorite destinations for Muslim tourists visiting Germany. Halal food is easily available and there is also a magnificent mosque, Sehitlik Moschee. This mosque has an Ottoman architectural style and was designed by Turkish architects.
Sehitlik Moschee via mossidomi
Ottoman architecture is a style of building designed in the 14th and 15th centuries when there were Ottoman sultanates. The two minarets of the mosque are beautifully designed in white and gray. The symmetrical appearance of the front facade is so prominent. The Sehitlik Moschee mosque was built in the middle of a cemetery where Turkish martyrs rest. Not only this mosque, there are dozens of other mosques scattered in the Berlin area. The cities of Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich are also must-visits as they are also Muslim-friendly.
6. Russia
Russia, the host of the 2018 World Cup, is a country that is quite tolerant in terms of religion. Mutual respect between religious communities can be seen with various worship buildings, there is even one place of worship where it can be used for 12 religions. One of the ocons in Russia, Saint Basils Cathedral in Red Square, shows Byzantine architecture where there is a blend of Islamic and Christian cultures.
Qolsarif Mosque via wikipedia
The city of Kazan is also a must-visit. The city is the center of Islamic development in Russia. It is home to the grandest and largest mosque in Russia, the Qolsarif Mosque. The mosque was designed by Russian architects with a traditional Volga Bulgarian look added with elements of early Renaissance and Ottoman architecture. Of course, the mix of modern and traditional elements is visible not only in this mosque, but also in other local mosques.
7. Morocco
This country with a majority Muslim population is indeed an exotic country. The growing religion of Islam also respects its local traditions. Uniquely, Morocco has a blend of Arabic and European cultures, but is still based on Islamic traditions. Various symbols of Islamic tradition are very visible in this country. Religious activities and rituals survive despite the rapid development of modernization.
Kairaouine mosque via mapio
Fes is an interesting city in Morocco that you need to visit. The city has the nickname Mecca of the West with the oldest kingdom in the world. The city area was designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO. There is a mosque, the Kairaouine Mosque, which was designed in conjunction with a university for spiritual and Islamic learning. The oldest Islamic mosque in Morocco has a design layout inspired by the Cordoba Mosque in Spain. This mosque with two minarets is the oldest Islamic monument in Fes.
8. Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia-Herzegovina is not only famous for its natural beauty, but also for its scattered traces of Islamic civilization. This can be seen in one of its beautiful mosques, the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, which dates back to the 16th century and shows the splendor of Ottoman architecture.
Gazi Husrev-beg mosque via wikipedia
It is the largest historic mosque in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It has a square plan and high walls, not to mention its monumental dome and tower. The exterior is dominated by the main dome. While each entrance is equipped with a terrace equipped with a dome roof.
So which country would you like to vacation in?