ARTICLE / Building / Boombox House 2 in 1: A Building in South Korea Divided into Two Rental Residential Houses

Boombox House 2 in 1: A Building in South Korea Divided into Two Rental Residential Houses


This residential house is located in Junju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea. Chungmugong-dong itself is an innovative city created by Korea Land and Housing Corporation. In this area, urban infrastructure has begun to be built. Apartments first appeared in this area followed by the construction of houses in stages.

This house is on a lot at the end of the street. It has a blunt fan-like landform instead of square. Starting from that, the architect used the land form to design the shape of the building.

Inspired by one of the famous musical instruments called boom box in the 70s and 80s, this house was designed with that concept. The boom box reminds the generation that enjoyed music through cassette tapes that had reels inside. People who enjoy this period are of course now married and of course have children. This generation is the target market for this rental house.

Designed by 2m2 Architect, the house that functions as a rental house has an area of 256 square meters. In one building there are two rental houses.

Two houses A and B in the building are certainly not designed the same and simple but designed with different things. This is done so that home users can choose for themselves what kind of space matches the character and is chosen by them.

In house A there is a courtyard and living room on the ground floor. The indoor walls of the living room have the same appearance as the exterior bricks of the building. The bricks are arranged by a different method than usual. The arrangement is done with various layers that look rotated and vertical reinforcement structures in the brick connectors.

The window opening in the living room leads to the courtyard which is an extension area of the indoor. This house is occupied by a couple in their 30s with a 4-year-old child. Then in the dining room area, combined with the kitchen area on the second floor of the house.

While in house B, the living room is on the top floor with exposed concrete walls and stairs leading to the third floor which functions as a green open roof. While on the ground floor there is only an entrance area with a small size. On this roof various kinds of activities can be carried out by tenants of the house. For this house is also occupied by a couple in their 30s with two children aged 7 and 5 years.

On the second floor, the two houses look different shapes and magnitudes. In house A, the layout of the house seems more rigid because it has the corners of the room. While in house B utilizes the curved side of the house which makes it seem more flexible.

House A has a ground floor facing down while house B has a house that has a garden on the roof that faces the sky. The architect himself hopes that one day the two couples who live in the house can divide each other's yards. Of course, this has also been carefully thought out and is expected in the future according to predictions.

This Boombox house located in a new city will be filled with new residents. The shape of the building in the hook position makes the house designed curved. It also gives the illusion of a building that looks larger than its original size. To provide lighting to its appearance, the architect rotated the mass of the building that was exposed above and below.

The brick material that is the scope of this building does not show a monotonous arrangement like the design of houses in general. With the arrangement of bricks with a certain angle makes the house attractive but still looks calm.

source: Boombox House

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