Inset House: The Allure of the "Floating Garden" Home in Jatibening

Inset House stems from a concept of intersection occurring within a residential building, where a "Floating Garden" is intentionally integrated into the front of the structure to offer various benefits to its inhabitants.
Terlihat muka rumah yang diselipkan oleh “Taman melayang”
Starting with the issue of the house facing west, the architect sought to transform the facade and the front part of the house into an area that could mitigate the afternoon sun's heat from the west. Beginning with the first floor, which is shielded by the overstack of the second floor, the western sun's heat is prevented from reaching the main spaces on the first floor. Instead, the heat is stopped in the informal living room area equipped with a pool and garden as coolers.
Terlihat overstack lantai 2 menjadi cover utama dari lantai 1 dari panas matahari barat , dilengkapi dengan taman dan kolam sebagai coolernya.
Continuing the strategy to block the western sun's heat, the massing of the second floor was slanted to avoid a perpendicular collision with the afternoon sun. Additionally, a second skin in the form of horizontal wood was added to serve as the main heat barrier. Behind this second skin, narrow bedroom windows were installed to reduce heat penetration. This can be considered a "layered protection and strategy" to combat the primary issue of western sun exposure.
Second skin berupa kayu horizontal yang berfungsi untuk menghalau panas matahari, terlihat jendela kamar tidur yang menghadap depan dibuat pipih agar mereduksi panas yang masuk.
The "floating garden" plays a central role in this house, serving multiple functions that enhance its beauty and coolness. Apart from functioning as a heat blocker and the primary element of the building's facade, the garden provides a pleasant view for three rooms on the second floor: the master bedroom, the corridor, and the children's room. Additionally, the "floating garden" serves as a private garden balcony for the master bedroom, giving the impression that the upper floor is similar to the ground floor.
Taman terbang yang bisa dinikmati dari kamar anak dan koridor lantai 2
Kamar utama yang langsung terkoneksi dengan Taman terbang
Suasana Taman terbangpada siang dan malam hari yang juga berfungsi sebagai mahkota utama bagi fasade Rumah ini.
In addition to the various strategies to combat the western sun's heat, this house has a first-floor layout that is incredibly open with minimal partitions or walls. This accommodates the client's primary desire for a spacious and unobstructed home, especially since the first floor serves as a shared activity area for family members. It can also be used for various social gatherings with family and friends, as this is the owner's favorite pastime.
Suasana lantai 1 yang terbuka dan sangat minim dinding dan partisi pembatas, membuat penghuni dapat mengadakan beberapa acara kebersamaan dengan keluarga dan teman-temannya
Beneath the stairs, the architect designed multifunctional furniture that can transform into a bed and a sofa, which can revert to stairs when not in use. This provides flexibility in its utilization.
Furniture tempat tidur dan sofa bawah tangga multifungsi yang bisa dilipat menjadi tangga saat tidak digunakan.