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5 Minimalist Home Decor Ideas for a More Natural Ambiance


Applying a minimalist home decor concept for a more natural ambiance requires careful consideration from the beginning. This includes space arrangement, interior design, incorporating various plants into the house, and other decorating ideas.

The existence of a minimalist home is not always related to a small size but rather the concept of simplicity without overcrowding with too much furniture. It may sound easy, but over time, belongings can accumulate.

Are you interested in implementing minimalist home decor ideas for a greener atmosphere? Of course, this initiative should be carefully planned from the beginning. Moreover, adding various plants to your living space is not as easy as we might think. Are you ready?

If you find it challenging to implement the above concept, there's no harm in considering the following 5 minimalist home decor ideas to achieve the desired natural ambiance. Here's how:


1. Arrange Your Terrace Thoughtfully

It must be acknowledged that, in reality, arranging a terrace is not an easy task. If you manage to implement good arrangement, your home's terrace can create a spacious and green impression, even if the house size is relatively small, especially when various plants are added.

First, apply some tricks like choosing decorations and furniture wisely. Prioritize placing only necessary items such as chairs, tables, and a corner for plants. Pay attention to every detail of placement so that your minimalist home can maximize its appearance.




2. Use Natural Furniture

The idea behind using natural furniture here is to prioritize materials that are natural, such as wood. Apply this concept to items like chairs, tables, shelves, and various other pieces of furniture. Should you buy them or opt for DIY (Do It Yourself)? Well, it all depends on you.

If you choose to purchase natural furniture, you can seek out reputable craftsmen. However, if you intend to go the DIY route, pay close attention to the right tutorials to ensure the end result meets your expectations.



3. Get Rid of Unused Items

As mentioned earlier, one of the challenges when dealing with a minimalist home concept is the organization of belongings. Over time, items in the house can accumulate and make the space feel even more cramped. Therefore, it's a good idea to get rid of unused items.

Unused items such as old newspapers, non-functioning electronic devices, or damaged furniture should be discarded or sold as secondhand items to prevent clutter. Alternatively, you can store them in the attic or refurbish them so that they can be reused, reducing the need to buy new ones.



4. Maximize Ventilation

Referring to various home concepts, ventilation is a crucial element in creating a balanced and healthy living environment. Air circulation needs to be established to allow for smooth in-and-out airflow, preventing rooms from feeling stuffy. Avoid having a house that feels stuffy due to insufficient ventilation!

From the very beginning of building your house, discuss with the architect to ensure that ventilation can be maximized in various corners. If this is achieved, it's not unlikely that your home will always feel fresh because air can flow in and out smoothly. Don't overlook this aspect.



5. Choose Suitable Plants

There are many plants that are suitable for supporting minimalist home decoration ideas so that the feel feels more natural. Boston ferns, yellow palms, aloe vera to bonsai, can be the right option. Even so, you can determine everything based on personal taste.

Are you familiar with the 5 decorating ideas above? If so, then you can make it happen from now on. To quote Walt Disney's motivational words, If you can dream it, you can do it. Keep your spirits up and good luck!



sumber: Canva

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