8 Essential Household Electronic Appliances You Should Have

Here are Some Essential Electronic Items that Must Be in the House. Especially for Those of You Who Have Just Gotten Married and are Starting a New Life.
Source: firstcry.com
Undeniably, the presence of electronic goods is indeed beneficial. Starting from lightening your workload to providing entertainment when you're tired from work. Nowadays, every household certainly possesses electronic items. Moreover, with the advancement of time and the emergence of companies creating electronic products in droves, prices have become more affordable. So, it's not just the upper-middle-class individuals who can enjoy them, even those with a lower to middle economic status can also purchase them. Hey, but what are the actually essential electronic items that should be in the house? Especially for those of you who have just gotten married and are starting a new life. Find out the list in the following article!
1. Washing machine
Source: olx.com.pk
An essential household electronic appliance you should have at home is a washing machine. Especially if you live in a humid and cold area, this household item will be highly needed. Most of us nowadays spend a lot of time outside the house, leaving us with limited time to do laundry thoroughly. Not to mention the unpredictable weather that makes drying clothes a challenge. If left unchecked, this situation can lead to clothes developing mold and a musty smell
2. Refrigerator
Source: cloudinary.com
An essential kitchen electronic appliance you should have is a refrigerator. A refrigerator is highly beneficial for preserving food items, keeping them fresh for days, so you don't have to go to the market every day. Especially if the traditional or modern markets are far from your home. Additionally, it can be used to store cooked food, preventing it from spoiling and allowing it to be consumed later. Nowadays, refrigerators come with many additional functions, such as killing bacteria and odors, making ice automatically, or even maintaining the temperature of food to keep it fresh for months.
3. AC.
Source: thesun.co
An essential electronic appliance for the bedroom or various rooms in the house that you should have is an Air Conditioner (AC). The presence of global warming has led to extremely hot temperatures. Especially in big cities in Indonesia with high population density and residential areas, the atmosphere becomes hot and stifling. Such hot and stifling conditions can be uncomfortable, and some individuals may struggle to rest peacefully due to the heat. It's no wonder that ACs are found in bedrooms and other spaces within the house.
4. Iron
Source: freepik.com
This product is certainly needed by almost all homemakers. Because this electronic appliance is required for neatly ironing various types of clothing. Especially for those of you who have family members who are still in school or parents who work with uniforms.
5. TV.
Source: freepik.com
An essential electronic appliance for the living room that you should have is a Television. Television, or TV, is one of the entertainment mediums for all walks of life. The various TV programs offered are quite entertaining, providing a break from the fatigue of a day's work. Not only that, nowadays many TVs are sophisticated, allowing them to be connected to platforms for watching videos or movies. This way, you can choose content to watch for yourself and your family.
6. Rice Cooker.
Source: cloudinary.com
A rice cooker, or what families often call a rice cooker, is indeed highly necessary in the kitchen. With just this one appliance, you can save a lot of time when cooking rice. This allows you to use your time for other activities. In the past, cooking rice required waiting and consuming a significant amount of time. There was also the risk of rice not being perfectly cooked, becoming burnt, or having too little or too much water. With a properly measured rice cooker, rice can be perfectly cooked and ready to be enjoyed.
7. Hair Dryer.
Source: freepik.com
Among other items, this particular item might be more needed by women. Typically, after washing hair, it becomes wet and difficult to dry, even though you need to be ready to attend an event. Well, to quickly dry your hair, the solution is to use a hair dryer
8. Water Heater.
Source: pgimgs.com
Lastly, this electronic bathroom appliance is a must-have in your home. Because a water heater, or water heating machine, is highly useful for producing warm water used for bathing. Especially for office workers who are tired all day and want to relax after returning from work, soaking in hot water can be the solution.