ARTICLE / Building / A House in Mexico with a Spacious Backyard and an Open Garden in the Middle of the Residence

A House in Mexico with a Spacious Backyard and an Open Garden in the Middle of the Residence


This 590 square meter house is located in Merida, Mexico. The house, named "Un Patio," belongs to a family with a building that measures 24 x 39 meters in length and width. The house has openings on its east and west sides. The design of this building is for a family that considers art as their reference point.

The central space in this building is uniquely designed, combining the concepts of art and nature into one. This area creates a geometric space with a grid of squares reflected on its walls on various sides with rectangular bricks.

The house has a rigid and formal floor plan, symbolized in the exterior shape of the building. To enter the house, visitors can go through the front door located next to the parking area. Of course, the parking area also serves as an entrance to the house. Visitors pass through a corridor from its grand entrance directly to the central area where there is a garden, which is the heart of the house.

In the front area of the house, there is a living room with a toilet inside it. The living room area also features a green courtyard to make those inside it feel more comfortable. Then, on the other side of the front area, there is a bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and a walk-in closet.

Adjacent to the bedroom, there is the main bedroom, which is quite spacious. Like the other bedroom, this one also features a walk-in closet and an en-suite bathroom. However, this bedroom has a terrace, allowing the homeowner to enjoy the garden view from the main bedroom. This terrace is equipped with comfortable seating for relaxation.

Just outside this bedroom, there is a family room where family members can comfortably converse and enjoy the view of the backyard. This room is followed by a large dining area. This dining area allows the homeowner to invite guests to dine with them.

The room that must be adjacent to the dining area is the kitchen. The kitchen is connected to the service area and the kitchen table and chairs where the homeowner can enjoy their breakfast. The family room, equipped with a television, is also within the same area as the kitchen. This arrangement makes it easy for them to grab snacks while watching their favorite TV shows.

The house is also equipped with a large terrace facing its swimming pool. This terrace is filled with tables and comfortable benches for relaxation and bonding with family or friends. A bar is also available in this area for easy access to beverages. This area is also equipped with a large television for comfortable viewing.

A light-colored wooden deck decorates the terrace area, providing a bright and spacious look. The terrace is separated from the dining area by glass windows covering the entire wall. The terrace also receives shade from its unique exterior, consisting of harmonious brick block arrangements that match the material used in the open area in the middle of the house.

For the second floor, it functions as a studio area. In the massing, it may look substantial, but the second-floor area is only a quarter of its total mass. The remaining area serves as a void that covers the dining room and its terrace, creating a high ceiling. The office space is accessed through the back of the house from the vehicle garage.

The open area in the middle of the house becomes the heart of the residence, where air circulation, light, and even human movement pass through this area. Moreover, the homeowners can showcase their artistic side in the house through paintings and sculptures displayed in this area.

This house is undoubtedly intriguing, with all its uniqueness. From the open space in the middle of the residence to the comfortable backyard terrace, and the various relaxing areas offering different atmospheres. Certainly, this house serves as an inspiration for those with large plots of land, creating a house with a vast open space on various sides.

source: Un Patio archdaily

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