ARTICLE / Furniture / Apparently, Oil Drums Can Be Recycled Into These! Creative and Attractive!

Apparently, Oil Drums Can Be Recycled Into These! Creative and Attractive!


Large oil drums or barrels can actually be repurposed into various useful items for your home. These items not only serve functional purposes but can also add a unique touch to different rooms in your house. They can take on a variety of forms, not necessarily resembling traditional barrels, once they are upcycled into something new and exciting. Here are some furniture pieces made from oil drums that may inspire you to decorate your home.

Vintage-Styled Sofa

sofa vintage

This oil drum has been transformed into a stylish and aesthetic piece of furniture. Designed by Kozma Design Manufacturing, its color and shape exude elegance. The sofa is suitable for a living room due to its comfortable seating. The addition of the Harley-Davidson logo adds a touch of class, and the contrasting black and orange colors give the room a trendy feel.

Colored Chairs and Table

kursi dan meja unik

Oil drums can also make for interesting chairs and tables like these. The curved shape of the barrel works well for chair backs and seats, providing comfort. The vibrant paint colors add a lively and attractive touch to the furniture pieces. These could be placed in a relaxation area or on a terrace.

Wall Clock

jam dinding unik

The unique texture of oil drum walls can be used to create wall clocks like the one shown here. The clock numbers have been replaced with bolts, which fits well with the overall design. Make sure to add a metal rim to prevent any sharp edges.

Outdoor Sink

wastafel dari tong

Mempercantik area outdoor rumahmu juga bisa dilakukan dengan menambahkan furniture satu ini. Wastafel yang terhubung dengan pipa air bisa didesain dan dihubungkan dengan tong minyak yang tingginya juga pas untuk orang berdiri. Berikan tema alami dengan memberikan tong cat berwarna hijau sehingga terlihat menyatu dengan alam disekitarnya.

Modern Stove

kompor taman

Oil drums can also serve as the basis for a modern outdoor stove. The top section can be used as a stove and heater, similar to what you find on modern stovetops. The lower section is perfect for storage, whether it's for cooking equipment or dining essentials. This setup is ideal for outdoor family gatherings.

Baby Cradle

kasur goyang bayi

Creative and budget-conscious young couples can consider crafting a unique baby cradle from an oil drum. By modifying the drum, you can create a safe and comfortable space for your baby. The curved legs at the bottom provide balance and allow for gentle rocking. You can also attach baby toys to the top.

Storage Space

tempat penyimpanan

Repurposing oil drums into storage containers is one of the simplest and most practical options. They can take various forms, resembling cabinets, shelves, or drawers. The example shown above features a sliding storage compartment, providing easy access to the contents.

Garden Decor or Outdoor Lighting

lampu hias

Oil drums with unique patterns and designs on their cylindrical walls can be transformed into decorative lampshades or outdoor lighting fixtures. The more intricate the design, the more beautiful your garden or outdoor space will look with these lights.

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