ARTIKEL / Storage and Closet / Creative Ways to Store Your Valuables
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Creative Ways to Store Your Valuables


A minimalist home is certainly not an obstacle to hoarding items. There are certainly many specific solutions for those of you who like shopping but are concerned about where to put them. Here are some highly recommended ideas for your residence.

Here are some ideas :

1. Storage in Stair Drawers

Model Tangga Berfungsi Sebagai Tempat Penyimpanan Untuk Rumah Minimalis

Are you a shoe collection enthusiast? You definitely need a lot of space to store many of your belongings around the house. You might be impressed with large wardrobes with many doors. This new way can certainly be implemented in your home. It's clear that this approach does not reduce your living space.


2. Storage in Large Pipes

Nggak cuma dari kardus, rakrak sepatu ini gampang banget dibikinnya!

This method is just as interesting as the previous one. You can directly see your various collections and display them to your guests. Of course, with simple materials, you can create storage space like this. Interesting, isn't it?


3. Storage using Wooden Crates

Image result for youtube making shelves out of crates

The last idea is not only for your bags or shoes but also for your various reading books. It can be placed in a workspace. It's made with easily accessible materials that are abundant in our surroundings.

Are you interested in trying out one of these ideas or interested in trying them all? Good luck trying them out!

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