ARTICLE / Storage and Closet / Closet Design for Storage of Your Personal Wardrobe Collection

Closet Design for Storage of Your Personal Wardrobe Collection


Closet space or better known as closet is important for those of you who like to collect clothes. One to two wardrobes are not enough to store your collection. Clothes that are piled up, not neat, or wrinkled can make the mood ugly and bete all day. Therefore, the closet needs to be designed as much as possible so that it can function properly. In addition to having functional value, of course, it needs aesthetic value so that your room looks more beautiful.

Here is a minimalist closet design that you can apply in your home.

1. Individual indoor closet

closet minimalis

Closets like this can be applied in your home. By utilizing the empty space in your home, you can make the room a storage place for your collection. Not only clothes, but you can also store your shoe collection in it.

2. Closet in the Corner of the Room

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The design of this one is quite simple. All you need is a few ingredients and you can turn a corner of your room into a storage place for your collection.

3. Closet that matches the theme of the bedroom

This colorful theme closet is suitable for those of you who are cheerful. The closet in your bedroom allows you to store various kinds of items. This closet becomes one part with the walls of your room and is only covered with curtains. In addition, the contents of the closet are very integrated with the existing bed.

4. Closet with minimalist shelves

closet minimalis

By utilizing clothes shelves, we can form a separate closet room. Not only is it designed minimalist, but it is also designed effectively so that personal collections can be neatly arranged.

5. Closet with elegant touch

Closet Elegant

If the closet is sometimes identical to women's collections, this closet formation can be applied to men who like to collect their clothes. Not only clothes, collections of watches or shoes can also be stored in the available shelves. With a touch of black, this closet design will look more elegant for men.

6. Simple closet with unique wallpaper

The closet in the form of a small room and clothes hanger is actually very simple. However, giving wallpaper accents on the wall gives another impression on this closet. Wallpaper is only focused on one wall to give the impression of more space on other walls.

7. Closet with boutique feel

Closet with the impression of a boutique is perfect for those of you who have various types of shoes. Different sizes of rack heights indicate diverse functions. Types of shoes can be arranged based on shelf height. In addition, this open closet shows what collectibles you have and makes it easy to find the items you want to use.

8. Simple closet that is easy to assemble

In contrast to the previous closet design, this closet is made very simple. With shelves attached to the wall, a new storage space was created. This design is specifically for those of you who don't have a large enough space to store your favorite items. For items that are often used, you can put them at eye level, while items that you rarely use can be placed on the top or bottom shelf.

9. Closet with makeup room

Having your own grooming and clothes is one of the dreams of some women. Changing clothes and dressing up is a whole series of women's activities when going to travel. With both functions in one room, lighting design will greatly influence. Sufficient light as in the design above will show the suitability of the clothes with the color of makeup that you have applied to the face.

10. Shoeshelf closet with stairs

For shoe collectors, you can apply this design in your home. It doesn't require a lot of space, just shelves attached to walls and stairs to make it easier for you to reach collections on the top shelf. In addition to giving a unique impression with the stairs, your shoes are also part of the aesthetics of the walls at home.

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