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Child-Friendly Home Design


A house with a unique design is everyone's dream. A living room with interesting furniture, vibrant wall colors, distinctive ornaments, a collection of ceramics in the corner of the room, a fish pond in the garden—each of us surely has specific touches to add to our homes to create a unique ambiance. Sometimes, we are willing to invest significantly to create the beauty we desire in our homes.

The beauty we envision for our homes is often compromised by certain situations. One of them is when the house is inhabited by children. Children are known to be very active due to their growth phase. Unexpected things are often done by children, such as running around, putting everything in their mouths, coloring walls or floors, playing with house furniture, and much more. As parents, of course, we want the best to promote the growth and development of our children. Therefore, a safe and child-friendly home design is important. The home design should not hinder children's activities and exploration. A little creativity is needed to make the house more child-friendly while maintaining its beauty.

Furniture with Blunt Edges

During the growth phase, children are very active. Furniture with blunt edges is used to ensure the safety of children during their activities. Choose furniture with rounded or oval edges. If you already have furniture with sharp edges, add safety bumpers made of rubber or rounded wood to the edges. This applies not only to items in the house but also to areas like walls and floors with sharp edges. Safety measures should be added to ensure the child's safety without restricting their activities or creativity.

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Easy-to-Clean Wall Paint

During their growth phase, children love to experiment with shapes and colors. Doodling on walls or floors has become very common. Choose a type of wall paint that is easy to clean from crayon marks, markers, or colored paint. Use this type of wall paint, especially in the children's play area where they usually play freely. The choice of wall paint allows children to express themselves and explore shapes and colors without compromising the beauty of your home.

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Carpet Tiles

Want to add a carpet to your home, but your home is also inhabited by children? Be careful in choosing the carpet type; otherwise, it might add to your household chores. If your home is also inhabited by children, carpet tiles might be the right choice. Children are very active during their growth phase. It is very likely that children accidentally spill many things on the floor, ranging from water to maybe their lunch soup. Carpet tiles make it easier for you to clean. You only need to clean the dirty parts of the carpet without having to lift the entire carpet.

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Pay Attention to Fragile Items

Are you a fan of ceramics and want your ceramic collection to be beautifully displayed in the corners of your home? On the other hand, you have very active children. You can still display fragile home decorations, but place them in rooms rarely accessed by your children. Alternatively, you can use museum gel, a type of adhesive commonly used in museums. However, of course, the latter method requires more expenses.

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Provide Plenty of Closed Storage Spaces

There is no such thing as having enough storage space for your children's toys or belongings. Make sure you have enclosed spaces to store your children's belongings. This is to avoid messy toys that reduce the aesthetics of your home.

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The above are just one of many ways you can use if your home is inhabited by children. Most importantly, when you design or choose furniture, try to choose durable materials. Avoid easily breakable plastic materials. Additionally, try to look from the child's perspective—whether it's safe for them, whether they will have difficulty in activities. Parents are the ones who understand their children's needs the most.



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