ARTICLE / Bedroom / Designing Bedrooms Specifically for Teenagers and Adolescents, Guaranteed 'Young and Fresh' !

Designing Bedrooms Specifically for Teenagers and Adolescents, Guaranteed 'Young and Fresh' !


The teenage years are a transition from childhood to adulthood. Typically, between the ages of 12 to 21, adolescents seek to establish their identity and no longer want to be seen as children. That's why during this adolescent phase, they tend to change their style to appear more mature than before. Who can relate to this? Hehehe...

One of the styles that tends to change is bedroom decor. Teenage bedroom decor is different from that of children. Instead of emphasizing decorations and themes to make it attractive, teenage bedrooms usually showcase maturity in terms of color choices and decor.


For you, teenage boys, embracing maturity doesn't mean your room has to be plain without any decorations. You can still use wall stickers, but choose neutral images that suit your age. For example, you can choose music-themed images or your favorite quotes. If you don't like wall stickers, you can hang wall art with pictures of your favorite idols. And remember, boys' bedrooms don't have to be monochrome; you can still use other colors on some sides, like dark purple or orange, to keep it looking fresh.


If you're tired of the same old wall materials, you can use textured walls or brick accents. Even a plain floor can be modified by using parquet materials for a wooden touch.


For those of you who want to share a room with your siblings, you can design a room with bunk beds. You can install partitions in between the bunk bed frames, which can serve as shelves, drawers, and even a ladder connecting the upper and lower beds.


Now, for teenage girls who can't wait to decorate their room, you can take inspiration from this design idea. Even if your room's walls are plain and mostly white, you can still play with colors through bedspreads, curtains, and carpets. Choose bright colors you like, such as turquoise, orange, pink, or purple. If you're tired of using a regular sofa, you can opt for a unique hanging chair to hang in your room.


But if your room's walls are painted with bright colors, balance it with neutral colors like white for bedspreads and furniture to give your room a chic look. If you're tired of plain bedspreads, you can choose patterned ones to add a girly touch.


The addition of wall stickers and wall decorations is also recommended if your walls are still 'empty.' Additionally, adding shelves around the walls or near the bed can save space if your room isn't too large.


If you're looking for more teenage bedroom design ideas, you can check out this article: bedroom design ideas for you: desain kamar tidur buat kamu.

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