ARTIKEL / Building / Exterior of the House in a Maze Shape! Unique on the Outside, Comfortable on the Inside!
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Exterior of the House in a Maze Shape! Unique on the Outside, Comfortable on the Inside!


Looking at the exterior of this house, you will surely remember a unique structure, a 'maze.' With its geometric shape, this house in Italy provides a solid and sturdy appearance. The house, named RGR House, is located in Rimini, Italy. Designed and renovated by the architect firm archiNOW, the redesign and renovation of this old building are very captivating. This old building is designed with an exterior look inspired by a maze, consisting of solid white walls that are cut and extended to form the facade.

This approximately 500-square-meter house has a beautiful and balanced appearance between its exterior and interior. The project itself has a complex building volume with a composition of simple elements. Both of these aspects need to be combined to create a more harmonious feel.

The use of different materials will provide a contrasting concept of volume and mass. As in this building, the ground floor and walls use stone materials to provide a strong and continuous look to the building, integrating with the ground. Meanwhile, at the top, the contemporary white walls present a bold form and complex characteristics of the building.

The maze-like appearance with protruding and receding walls is utilized as balconies that provide an outdoor atmosphere on each floor. On the ground floor, a wooden deck surrounds the building's walls, connecting the indoor and outdoor areas of the house. It serves as a transition between the garden and the house, giving a warm impression to the home.

Uniquely, in this house, the ground floor and the second floor are connected through an exterior staircase. So, to reach the upper floor, the owner has to exit the building first. Due to this, there are two family rooms and a kitchen on the ground floor and the second floor.

On the ground floor, there is a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and two different-sized bedrooms. The deck area surrounding the ground floor can be accessed not only through doors but also through windows in several rooms within the house, such as bedrooms and corridors.

On the second floor, it is utilized as a gathering area. The family room, dining room, and kitchen are lined up areas. There are also a bathroom and a workspace. The outdoor balcony is connected through window openings in the family room, workspace, and kitchen.

Meanwhile, on the third floor, it is fully utilized as the private area for each resident. There is one master bedroom, two children's rooms, two bathrooms, and also a pantry. The outdoor balcony is connected to each bedroom.

The interior of this house is equally interesting. With a clean and contemporary look, the arrangement of various furniture inside feels comfortable. The house's interior is designed to be flexible, offering spacious open areas or privacy. Room dividers are sliding doors. These sliding doors can be opened wide if the owner desires a spacious social area and can be closed if privacy between rooms is needed.

In the family room area, it is designed in a contemporary style with a touch of nature. One of the walls is adorned with stones, and wooden flooring is used. Large glass windows, from floor to ceiling, allow natural light to enter the family room, kitchen, and other rooms connected to this area.

In the kitchen area, a contrasting combination of black and white colors is evident. The cabinet racks in the kitchen are designed minimally to store food and various equipment, keeping them organized. A bar area is also available in this space. The bar table and chairs provide a comfortable area for dining. When the partition wall is opened, the view from the kitchen to the outside feels more expansive.

For the workspace, it is designed to be small yet unique. Various alphabet letters adorn the wallpaper in this room. The work desk is placed against the wall. Of course, the workspace is designed to inspire those inside.

The house is also designed with an eco-friendly system where the heating and cooling systems are connected to the use of solar panels. Solar panels on the roof store energy that can be used for household needs. Sunscreens are automated with light sensors, making the sun-exposed areas more shaded, creating a more comfortable interior.

Not only is the exterior and interior well-designed, but the landscaping of the garden is also very beautiful. The garden surrounding the house is well-arranged, making the house feel more lush and cool. The trees do not obstruct the attractive facade of the house.

Source : RGR House | All Photos by: Daniele Domenicali

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