ARTICLE / Building / Impressive! A House Built in 24 Hours Turns Out to Use 3D Printing!

Impressive! A House Built in 24 Hours Turns Out to Use 3D Printing!


Designers and some others may have heard of 3D printing in available print shops in various regions. It's commonly used to print 3D designs or miniature models. However, in Russia, 3D printing has taken a step further by using this method to construct a house. Not a dollhouse or a pet.

This house, located in Russia, has a size of 37 square meters and only took 24 hours to construct. If that doesn't impress you, this house cost approximately $10,000 or around 133 million Indonesian rupiahs. Apis Cor, a company known for its expertise in 3D printing based in Russia and San Francisco, is responsible for this project.

What's unique about this house construction is that, typically, 3D printing work is done off-site and then assembled on-site. However, not with this design. Using its advanced technology, the mobile printer, they performed the entire construction process on-site, from start to finish. The advantage of this approach is that they don't need to transport the design from another location to the site.

The 24-hour construction work includes printing self-bearing walls, partitions, and the building's exterior, all done by the 3D printing machine. Because the machine is inside the building, once it finishes constructing the house, it is moved using a crane from above. After relocation, roof and interior work can be carried out.

This house is attractively designed with its round shape, made of concrete and coated with yellow paint on the outside. Of course, the interior of the house includes a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a hallway. This environmentally friendly house is estimated to last up to 175 years.

Nikita Chen-yun-tai, the inventor of the mobile printer and founder of Apis Cor, undoubtedly has a goal behind his work. He wants to help people around the world improve their living conditions with 3D-printed houses. Besides being more affordable, the construction process is fast and efficient. Are you interested in having a house like this?

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