ARTICLE / Pool / Getting to Know Various Types of Modern Swimming Pools. Let's Read!

Getting to Know Various Types of Modern Swimming Pools. Let's Read!


Get to Know More About the Types of Modern Swimming Pools. Let's read!! 

Not only in various water attractions, swimming pools are also easier to find in every house. As a sports facility that is healthy and able to release boredom, currently many people choose to present a private swimming pool.

The availability of these swimming pools varies greatly as they are categorized in different types. Where each type of swimming pool has different functions and models.

The following are 8 types of modern alias modern swimming pools. Let's take a look!

1. Swimming pool in ground

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This swimming pool is a swimming pool that is commonly found by us. Usually there are residential houses as a multi-purpose recreational facility for its residents.

2. Swimming pool above ground

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This swimming pool has a relatively cheaper cost compared to an in-ground swimming pool or planting pool. Unlike the above ground swimming pool, making this pool is relatively cheaper. The savings can be from the excavation side, the cost of digging and brankal discharge, and from concrete castings that are not as much as other ponds.

3. Lap pool

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What is Lap pool? A lap pool is a swimming pool built for fitness and health purposes. Usually has a shallow and narrow water level, this pool is not a pool for diving boards and water slides, but to enjoy haarian practice by swimming.

4. Indoor pool

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Indoor swimming pools are quite simple i.e. they are inside, under a roof, and are usually enclosed by at least one wall of the house. These pools are generally simple, have geometric shapes and are built for swimming or training all year round without any impact on weather or climate.

5. Olympic model swimming pool

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This type of swimming pool has a size that refers to international swimming pool standards. This swimming pool model is perfect for use by athletes and serious health enthusiasts with a spacious room and a large budget.

6. Architectural pool

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Why is it called architecture? Because it is a term for a luxurious swimming pool that installs architecturally designed, through a design process with a clear structure, definite lines and displays a cohesive theme with the building.

7. Infinity pool

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Infinity pool or infinity pool. This pool is always tailor-made and should be designed to accentuate the view. When done correctly, this infinity pool will give the illusion of a waterfall on the edge of the property.

8. Wading pool

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Small wading pools that contain cold water or are also suitable for filling warm water, suitable for alternative health enthusiasts. Many swimmers and athletes like to throw themselves into a cold pool after a training session is over, a hot sauna or spa can be believed to have therapeutic benefits.

That's all the discussion of articles about the types of modern swimming pools. Happy choosing, hopefully useful.

Keep healthy and happy. Thanks you????

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