ARTICLE / Interior / It turns out like this when your home interior uses mirror partitions! Feels like playing in a labyrinth!!!

It turns out like this when your home interior uses mirror partitions! Feels like playing in a labyrinth!!!


An apartment in Barcelona, Spain, stands out with its unusual design. This 100-square-meter residence features interior glass elements that create a sense of spaciousness and uniqueness within the space.

Named Piso Parlament19, this apartment was an experiment by the architect, Miel Arquitectos, to optimize natural lighting and visual connectivity within the space. A glass distributor designed reflective glass that makes this third-floor apartment bright and colorful. Even the surrounding nature and outdoor views become integrated into the interior.

The initial design concept was inspired by two windows in the wall, which served as the reference point for the unique interior with glass partitions. These two windows sparked the idea and served as the starting point for the project. Using reflective glass as a kaleidoscope of light, the geometric apartment was designed to bring the outside environment inside.

Inside the apartment, there is a "golden cube" surrounded by reflective mirrors on three sides, creating a visual spectacle within the space. This cube serves as both the bathroom and the kitchen area. The mirror reflections create the illusion of views from the bedroom area to the living space. The cube essentially acts as the entry point for visitors to experience this unique and astonishing interior.

In addition to the cube housing the kitchen and bathroom, the apartment includes a living room, dining area, balcony, and bedroom. These rooms are arranged around the "golden cube" within the apartment.

The division of space inside the apartment was carefully planned to suit its different noise levels. The quieter mezzanine area consists of a bedroom, a workspace, and a bathroom. This tranquil and private space can be connected to other areas in the apartment through sliding doors and curtains, allowing it to adapt for social or more intimate/private purposes.

The presence of gold accents in the apartment's interior adds warmth and illuminates the space. The gold color creates a cheerful and open atmosphere. This apartment truly stands out by seamlessly integrating the outside environment into its interior, making it both unique and creative!

source piso parlament19

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