ARTICLE / Building / Llano Exit Strategy, Four Couples Create Their Own Small Town Home and the Result is Awesome!

Llano Exit Strategy, Four Couples Create Their Own Small Town Home and the Result is Awesome!


Four pairs of friends who have been friends for 20 years certainly want to live close to each other. In addition to being close to each other they also chose to be close to the environment so they decided to create their own little town. Their abode is called "Llano Exit Strategy", and it features four small cabins overlooking the Llano River outside Austin, Texas.

Each cabin can cost as much as $40,000. The architect of this mini city is Matt Garcia who certainly designed the cabin with a sustainable concept. Various ways were taken so that the building can blend with nature and also be more eco.

The cabins of each residence are enclosed in corrugated steel that provides a motif to each building facade. The steel wall is of course also a reflective wall that will reflect heat in the summer time. Simple door and window openings adorn the front façade. The material used in the windows is insulated glass so that the heat from the sun does not enter the house directly.

This rectangular layout house is paired with a butterfly-shaped roof, where the center point of the roof can collect rainwater and put it in water barrels. The water barrel itself can be filled with 5000 gallons of rainwater. Of course, this rainwater can be reused to irrigate the land around the cabin. The building is also insulated with a layer of foam on the walls to keep the cabin cooler in summer and unfrozen in winter.

On the inside of the cabin, some spaces are left open and integrated into each other. As seen in the picture. The living room, which is also used as a family room, is next to the workspace. All the walls in the building are covered with plywood. This gives a warm impression to the whole room in the cabin. In addition, the affordable price also saves expenses in the construction of this residence.

The sleeping area and the living area are separated using a curtain cloth divider that hangs from the ceiling beams. The bed is a double bed because each cabin is occupied by a couple. The bookshelves in the sleeping room are mounted on the walls of the room so that they do not take up much space. Windows for ventilation are located on the upper wall of the cabin.

The workspace is filled with multipurpose shelves. Not only is it an area to store and organize their book collections, but it is also used to store their clothes and shoes. This can be seen by the box shelves with baskets at the bottom of the table. For the wicker basket, they store their clothes.

Then in the next room there is a bathroom room equipped with a sink and also a mini pantry in the corner of the room. In that place, some food utensils such as glasses, plates, and other furniture are stored. The bathroom room can be said to look quite modern with its white toilet seat and sink furniture. In addition, there is also a lamp next to the glass that is quite unique hanging on the wall. In this area, the wall is tiled about one meter from the floor surface. This is used so that the wooden walls do not get wet and the room is not humid.

In addition to making four cabins as living quarters, they also designed a main house. The main house, which is about 450 square meters in size, is used as a place for the four couples to gather and eat together. In addition, the house will have a kitchen and entertainment area that can be used together.

This kitchen and dining area is just a small feature of the main house. There is a family room for watching TV and other shared activities in this building. The materials used in the main house are the same as the cabin, namely plywood with window openings on several sides of the walls. A guest bedroom is also provided in this house equipped with a bunk bed. The outdoor part of the house has a veranda area behind it with an octagonal picnic table to sit back and enjoy the sunset view.

For now, they only visit their small town more often, but in the future they will live in these cabin homes when they retire and spend their old age together. There is also a lot of work to be done to enhance the environment by planting various plants so that the environment feels more beautiful and comfortable.

sumber: matt garcia | huffingtonpost | gardenandgun


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