ARTICLE / Building / Maison Du Soleil: A Luxury Residence in LA That Looks Like a Palace

Maison Du Soleil: A Luxury Residence in LA That Looks Like a Palace


Maison Du Soleil is one of the spectacular residential residences in Los Angeles. Standing elegantly on Holmby Hill, it is referred to as the crown jewel figure of the location known as the platinum triangle in LA.

The residential house was designed in the 1930s by legendary architect Paul Williams. Paul Williams himself is famous as an architect who managed to help shape the classic landscape of Hollywood by designing houses for Frank Sinatra, Lucille Ball, and Danny Thomas who are top class artists with iconic 60-room houses. The house designed is combined with contemporary style and modern lifestyle.

Maison du Soleil, has a land area of 30,000 square feet with 17 bedrooms, 22 bathrooms and various other spaces. With a fairly large and magnificent size, this residential house manages to give a warm feel and give an intimate impression in every corner. This very welcoming building is suitable for the life of aristocratic families. Not to forget also the entertainment rooms around the house.

With an open house layout, it blends into the outside and inside of the building. Each room provides an outside picture with an interesting and beautiful view. The house is decorated with various garden formations from five different garden themes namely French, Japanese, English, Moroco and medicinal plants.

In a large open area in this house, a sports area was also built separate from the main building with its own uniqueness in the room.

Like the existence of a tennis court with a glass scope as a court boundary fence. Then the greenhouse that functions as a gym room, as well as other greenhouses to produce organic plants.

The landscape yard of this house is covered by grass that adds to the beauty of the house. The swimming pool is large and has no boundary on the edge of the pool is also very attractive. The special Moroccan soaking area is with a traditional hamam equipped with a sauna, steam shower, and spa.

Looking like a resort-style building, this spacious house can also capture the beauty of the beautiful sky view in the late afternoon while relaxing by the pool.

In the master bedroom, there is a dressing room with a closet storage appearance like a boutique. Not to forget also the private bathroom that resembles a spa area. Other rooms in the house also have unique elements that make the room more attractive. 

The kitchen in this house has a walk-in refrigerator, air conditioner and cabin china cupboard. There is also a theater room in this residential area. Of course, with a spacious room and theater benches.

The entrance to this residence is also very magnificent and private. From the outside, the formation already looks luxurious. Full of warm welcome, this residence looks like a palace for people who see it for the first time.

source: maison du soleil

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