Hello, peps!
The pandemic may not be over, but the longing of people, especially millennials, to hang out and spend time in nearby cafes is at an all-time high. Many cafes have chosen to temporarily close to deal with the crisis they've faced during the pandemic. However, don't worry too much because the closure of some cafes is a significant step toward finding the best way to reopen in the future.
One of the best solutions that cafes have found and are ready to implement is to offer a new type of service that complies with the new normal health protocols. This is done to maintain a cleaner and more sterile cafe environment, ensuring that there is no spread of the COVID-19 virus while people, especially millennials, are enjoying their time at these cafes.
Certainly, this new type of service is essential information for millennials because it brings good news and helps alleviate the longing for hanging out with friends. So, what exactly is this new normal service that cafes are implementing? Here's the breakdown:
1. Melakukan Penyemprotan Disinfektan Berkala
The first new normal service that cafes, coffee shops, and restaurants must prepare is regular disinfectant spraying. They should also provide hygiene tools like hand sanitizers available throughout the cafe area. Additionally, cafe operators should require all employees and visitors to wear masks before entering the establishment.
2. No Cash Payments
The third cafe service in the new normal era is not accepting cash payments. This is because the COVID-19 virus can spread not only through coughs or sneezes but also through physical objects like cash.
3. No Dine-In Service
Dining in a cafe or restaurant has been a tradition that seems difficult to let go of because it's practical and allows customers to enjoy their food immediately. However, this tradition must temporarily be discontinued to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, cafes that are planning to reopen will provide a new service by not allowing dine-in and focusing on take-away services instead.
4. Limited Operating Hours
Another service that cafes must implement to survive in the pandemic is reducing their operating hours. They will open from noon until late afternoon only. So, for millennials who enjoy hanging out late into the night, they may need to adapt to spending time at cafes during daylight hours for the time being.
5. Pickup Orders Only
The last new normal service cafes should offer is to serve customers by allowing pickup orders only, outside the cafe. This minimizes the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Behind all the new normal services to be implemented, it's essential to remember that wearing masks is mandatory when going out, including when visiting cafes. Social distancing must also be practiced, and regular hand washing with hand sanitizer or under running water is crucial to maintaining clean and healthy hands.
Let's make the above practices a good tradition to prevent and stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia so that hanging out can be as enjoyable and carefree as it used to be.