ARTICLE / Building / Mysterious! In This Forest, There's a Floating Black Object, and People Passing by Are Curious and Astonished When They Find Out What It Is...

Mysterious! In This Forest, There's a Floating Black Object, and People Passing by Are Curious and Astonished When They Find Out What It Is...


Who doesn't love a good mystery with its peculiarities? Surely, things that are mystical and strange tend to pique people's curiosity and capture their attention. One such anomaly can be found by people in the urban forest area of Pardubice, Czech Republic – a "floating" black house installation. Just a 15-minute walk from the city center, you can come across this all-black house suspended between the arches of an old railway bridge.

This small house, known as "Black Flying House," is actually an installation created by H3T Architeckti. It's both unique and somewhat eerie in appearance. The house appears to float thanks to steel cables attached to its top, which are then connected to the bridge.

To enter the house, you need a hidden staircase located around the house's vicinity. Besides being an attraction, the house presents a puzzle for those passing by. Its mysterious aura is further enhanced by the fact that it's situated in a military complex area.

Inside the house, there's a cozy seating area equipped with a heating stove. The attic space serves as a sleeping area. Despite its compact size of 2.5m x 1.7m, the house exudes uniqueness both from the outside and within. It features windows on both sides that can be opened and closed. When closed, the house appears sealed, adding to its mysterious allure due to its all-black exterior.

The choice of location was not just based on its ambiance but also as a recommendation from Thomas Studio in Pardubice. The forested area not far from the city center is easily accessible to the general public. It would undoubtedly be intriguing to witness the reactions of people passing through this area.

The house's design is minimalistic and straightforward. Black wood as the exterior material blends seamlessly with the overall forest surroundings and the design of the curved bridge. The sharp-pointed roof adds a sense of character to the structure.

H3T Architekti aimed for this installation to provide a captivating experience and impression for those who interact with it by entering the house or passing by. The non-permanent house installation was dismantled after 39 days from its initial installation.

So, what do you think? Would you venture into the house or simply walk away due to its eerie nature?

sumber: Black Flying House

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